
0.1.0 • Public • Published

Xazure Builder - Module

Builds Xazure packages which specify a type of module and conform to the required structure

Built Project Structure

Expects there to be a directory named src. It must include an index.js directly inside.

Optionally, there may be a public directory in src.

- src
 - index.js
 - public

Any other files may appear anywhere. Files are output to the dist folder and this will be cleaned before each built (i.e., don't put files in here directly).

Build Process

  • Any .js files will not in public will be built with Babel, with modules: true.
  • Any .js files inside public will be built with Babel, with modules: false.
  • Any index.css files anywhere within public will be built with PostCSS.
    • Note: This means any non-index.css files should be imported by one of the index.css files.
  • Any other files will be copied over as is.

Built files will be output to dist.

Directory structure for all files (except skipped CSS files) will be maintained and mirrored.

Babel Plugins and Presets

The following plugins are included by default:

  • env

For public files, modules: false is set. For non-public files, it is left default (modules: true).

The following presets are included by default:

  • transform-object-rest-spread

For public, import-rename is also added and configured so it'll auto-append .js when appropriate.

PostCSS Plugins

The following plugins are included:

  • cssnext
  • import
  • nested

You can define (or disable) plugins in the configuration.


The following configuration can be defined under the xazure key in package.json or in a xazure.config.js file:

    "type": "module",
    "postCss": {
      "plugins": [],
      "disable": []
    "babel": {
      "private": {
        "plugins": [],
        "presets": [],
        "disablePlugins": [],
        "disablePresets": []
      "public": {
        "plugins": [],
        "presets": [],
        "disablePlugins": [],
        "disablePresets": []
  • type - While not used by the builder itself, if provided a configuration, needed to direct it to this builder.
  • postcss.plugins - Provide additional plugins for PostCSS. Provide them just as you would in a postcss.config.js file.
  • postcss.disable - Disable one of the predefined plugins listed in the PostCSS Plugins section.
  • babel.public - Configuration for the public JS files.
    • .plugins - Plugins to add, same as .babelrc. Provide a default one to override options.
    • .presets - Presets to add, same as .babelrc. Provide a default one to override options.
    • .disablePlugins - Plugins to remove from defaults. See Babel Plugins and Presets.
    • .disablePresets - Presets to remove from defaults. See Babel Plugins and Presets.
  • babel.private - Configuration for the non-public JS files.
    • .plugins - Plugins to add, same as .babelrc. Provide a default one to override options.
    • .presets - Presets to add, same as .babelrc. Provide a default one to override options.
    • .disablePlugins - Plugins to remove from defaults. See Babel Plugins and Presets.
    • .disablePresets - Presets to remove from defaults. See Babel Plugins and Presets.




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  • samanime