
2.1.5 • Public • Published


XL-Font Loader - Subset font loader / generator, mainly for supporting fonts with big file sizes, such as CJK fonts. Features:

  • word frequency based font subsetting
  • partial / lazy loading of subsetted fonts based on glyphs used
  • no backend dependency ( static font subsetting )
    • still possible to be extended to support dynamic font subsetting.


This is a javascript project based on nodeJS / npm. After installing node / npm, install with following:

npm install --save @xlfont/load

xlfont subsetting generator

use npx xfl to subset fonts with xfl:

npx xfl font-dir [o output-dir] [-f word-frequency-csv] [-c major-subset-size] [-s subset-size]


  • font-dir: root dir containing your font files.
    • xfl lists all font files under font-dir, and subset them into output-dir.
    • support font format:
      • ttf ( truetype )
      • otf ( opentype )
  • output-dir: dir to put subsetted fonts, in subfolders named after the corresponding font files.
  • word-frequency-csv: desired word frequency information, in csv format.
    • use sample csv ( tool/data/word-frequency.csv ) if omitted.
    • sample csv is for tranditional Chinese, derived from moe.gov.tw
  • major-subset-size: how many glyphs to put in the major subset. default 1500 if omitted.
  • subset-size: how many glyphs to put in other subsets. default 100 if omitted.

Additionally, if you encountered errors about Out Of Memory, you can add change nodeJS config by setting following environment variable:

export NODE_OPTIONS=--max_old_space_size=4096

Generally speaking, the steps of font subsetting by xfl are as following:

  • join all unicodes from glyphs available in fonts and the codes listed in word frequency files
  • sort above unicode list based on word frequency information.
  • create the major subset ( 1.ttf ), containing major-subset-size glyphs.
    • punctuation ( 0xff00 ~ 0xffef )
    • ascii characters ( 0x00 ~ 0xff )
    • the most commonly used codes, by word frequency information.
  • create subsets based on the remaining codes, each contains subset-size glyphs.
  • font subsets are named after set index, start from 1. Includes ttf, woff and woff2 format.
  • dump unicode / subset mapping to charmap.txt. also keep the original font as all.ttf.

xlfont subset loader

include the locally installed dist files or from cdn:

<script src="path-to/xfl-js"></script>

Then, load desired font:

xfl.load({path: "path-to-subset-font-folder"}).then(function(font) {

Sync font based on given text:

xfl.load({path: "path-to-subset-font-folder"}).then(function(font) {
    font.sync("含有這些字的字型子集會被載入。Subset containgin glyphs from these chars will be loaded.");

Use font.className for font related CSS rules:

  .load( ... )
  .then(function(font) { 
    font.sync( ... ).then(function() { document.body.classList.add(font.className); });

xfl API

  • load(opt): load specified font. cache used fonts to save bandwidth and memory.
    • opt can either be:
      • a string to the specified font, or object as option
      • an object passed directly to xlfont constructor.
    • return a promise resolving to a xlfont object.
  • update(): refresh necessary CSS in document to reflect font status changes.
  • track(font): track and manage fonts created manually instead of from load.

xlfont Constructor

Besides loading from xfl.load, you can also manually construct a xlfont object. xlfont is the interface to accessing specific font ( including normal font or subsetted xlfont ), with constructor options as below:

  • path: path to font.
  • ext: optional. font file extension ( ttf, woff, etc )
    • if omitted, calculated from path.
    • if not available ( either in ext or path ), default to woff and consider this font as a xlfont.
  • name: font name. if omitted, use normalized path as font name.
  • isXl: true if this is a xlfont. if omitted, decided by ext.
  • doMerge: should subsetted merged by frontend JS before using to enhacen UX. default false
  • useWorker: use web worker for font merging. default false. When specified, can be an object with following:
    • opentype-url: required opentype.js url.
      • context of worker is in Object URL, so relative URL is not support.
      • use document.location to prevent from hardcoding domain.
  • style: font style ( e.g., normal, italic ). default normal.
  • weight: font weight ( e.g., 400, 500, etc ). default 400.

xlfont Object API

  • init(): init this font object. xfl.load will do this job for you.
  • sync(text): load fonts based on given text.
    • return a Promise. this will also call update
  • getotf(): return a promise, resolved to opentype.Font from opentype.js.
    • opentype.js is required for this method
    • fetchAll() will be called by this method.
  • getPath(opt): return a promise resolving to opentype.js' Path object based on opt with following fields:
    • text: text to render. default ''
    • x: x offset of the rendered text. default 0
    • y: y offset of the rendered text. default 0
    • fontSize: size of the rendered text. default 48
  • hasChar(c): return if code point of the given character c is available in this font.
    • return true / false: available or not available
    • return undefined: not sure before synced
  • fetchAll(): by default xfl use CSS to load fonts. fecthAll() fetch all subset fonts with JS again.
  • name: font name which can be used in CSS font-family property.
  • className: a CSS class name which its font-family is assigned to this font.
  • mod: a reserved member object for user program to extend xlfont. default undefined.

availabel xlfonts

While this is a tool for composing and using xlfont, we also prepare a set of xlfonts so you can use them directly with xfl.js. All fonts are released under SIL-Open Font License 1.1 or similar open licenses. Checkout repo list of the Github organization of @xlfont for more information:



  • optimization
    • consider glyphs relationship by moedict + clustering to reduce cache miss rate.
    • font minification in advance, if possible
    • support single request for multiple subset
    • dynamic font subsettings
  • quality
    • fill missing glyphs by GAN.
    • make more SIL-Open licensed fonts?


Font Subsetting Consideration

According to SIL's OFL FAQ and Web Fonts and Reserved Font Names, Subsetting a font is considered modification of that font. This is permitted by Open Font License (OFL), but OFL requires that modified versions must not use RFNs (Reserved Font Names) without separate permission.

However, once FE (Functional Equivalence) is preserved, then it's very likely that the original author would feel that the optimized font is a good and reasonable equivalent, and that the main purposes of the RFN mechanism - avoids collisions, protects authors. minimizes support, encourages derivatives - continue to be met.

An optimized font is considered FE if:

  • Supports the same full character inventory
  • Provides the same smart font behavior
  • Presents text with no obvious degradation in visual quality
  • Preserves original author, project and license metadata

Subsetting is discussed separated and only Dynamic Subsetting and Dynamic Subsetting with Progressive Client Storage is considered as possibly FE preserved.

With @xlfont/load serving the subsetted font it can possibly be considered Dynamic Subsetting, however the subsetted font alone definitely will be in the pre-subsetting category.


MIT License.




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