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Modrinth API

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Provide the modrinth described in https://docs.modrinth.com/api-spec


This package is depending on undici for HTTP in nodejs, and the browser version will use browser fetch instead of undici.

Search Project in Modrinth

You can use keyword to search

import { ModrinthV2Client, SearchResult } from '@xmcl/modrinth'
const client = new ModrinthV2Client()
const searchOptions: SearchOptions = {
    query: "shader", // searching shader
const result: SearchResult = await client.searchProjects(settingString);
const totalProjectCounts = result.total_hits;
for (const project of result.hits) {
    console.log(`${project.project_id} ${project.title} ${project.description}`); // print project info

Get Project in Modrinth

You can get project detail info via project id, including the download url

import { ModrinthV2Client, ProjectVersionFile, ProjectVersion } from '@xmcl/modrinth'

const client = new ModrinthV2Client()
const projectId: string; // you can get this id from searchProjects
const project: project = await client.getProject(projectId) // project details
const versions: string[] = project.versions;
const oneVersion: string = versions[0];

const modVersion: ModVersion = await getProjectVersion(oneVersion);

const files: ProjectVersionFile[] = modVersion.files;

const { url, name, hashes } = files[0]; // now you can get file name, file hashes and download url of the file

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