User the Broadcast SDK to broadcast to thousands of your subscribers The Broadcast SDK attempts to take away the need to handle Rate Limiting logic while also allowing integrators information about the broadcast and current statuses
Recommended to use with GRPC client and client caching like the Redis Client
yarn add @xmtp/broadcast-sdk
import { Client } from "@xmtp/xmtp-js"
import { BroadcastClient } from "@xmtp/broadcast-sdk"
// It is highly recommended to use the GRPC client and base a base persistence
import { GrpcApiClient } from "@xmtp/grpc-api-client";
import { RedisPersistence } from "@xmtp/redis-persistence";
const client = await Client.create(wallet, {
apiClientFactory: GrpcApiClient.fromOptions,
basePersistence: new RedisPersistence(redis, "xmtp:"),
const broadcastClient = new BroadcastClient({
addresses: ["0x1234", "0x5678"],
cachedCanMessageAddresses: ["0x1234"],