YAACL - Hapi Integration
Provides a plugin for hapi to integrate yaacl on route and/or handler level.
Install yarn add @yaacl/core @yaacl/hapi @yaacl/memory-adapter
or use @yaacl/mongoose-adapter
import { Privileges } from '@yaacl/core';
import { MemoryAdapter } from '@yaacl/memory-adapter';
import * as Hapi from 'hapi';
import { forbidden } from 'boom';
// ...setup server
// normally these would come from the session for example.
const exampleIdentities = [
getSecurityId: () => 'user-1',
getSecurityId: () => 'user-2',
// register plugin on server
await server.register({
options: {
adapter: new MemoryAdapter(),
securityIdentityResolver: request => {
// return one or an array of SecurityIdentity objects
// which you can generate from request data.
return exampleIdentities;
// setting privileges on a route activates acl
// for the path/method of the route.
const securedRoute = server.route({
path: '/secured',
method: 'get',
options: {
plugins: {
yaacl: {
privileges: Privileges.READ,
handler: () => 'Seems like you have access to this site!',
// instead of using the path/method as identity,
// you can define groups.
const adminRoutes = [
path: '/admin/list',
method: 'get',
options: {
plugins: {
yaacl: {
group: 'admins',
privileges: Privileges.READ,
handler: () => 'Seems like you have access to this site!',
path: '/admin/delete',
method: 'get',
options: {
plugins: {
yaacl: {
group: 'admins',
privileges: Privileges.READ | Privileges.REMOVE,
handler: request => {
// for more fine grained checks, you have access to yaacl inside of handlers too!
const granted = await request.server.plugins.yaacl.api.isGranted(
if (granted) {
// you also have access to the actual resolved securityIdentity and objectIdentity
// through request.plugins.yaacl!
const { securityIdentity, objectIdentity } = request.plugins.yaacl;
return `Deleted ${objectIdentity.getSecurityId()} by ${objectIdentity.getObjectId()}`;
throw forbidden();
// add the routes of course!
server.route([...adminRoutes, securedRoute]);
// to set privileges for routes, use the plugin helper to turn a route into an object identity.
await server.plugins.yaacl.api.grant(
For a more detailed documentation please visit our Wiki.