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Help maintain React component with short life.


From this article:

  • Living is just passing the days as a being breathing, eating, sleeping, etc.
  • Being alive is living at a higher level of consciousness and taking note of our surroundings.

Lots of react components are of short-life, such as popup menu, modal, drawer...

For them, the truthy prop open/show/visible means being alive, but they need longer lives than that:

  • before alive, they may need to be initialized for some reason
  • after alive, they need some time to complete the closing animation

However, we can't make them immortal for reasons such as memory optimization or refreshed starting status.

ShortLife component is here to help us manage their short lives.


npm install @yao-react/react-short-life
yarn add @yao-react/react-short-life

Getting started

import { useState } from 'react';
import { ShortLife } from '@yao-react/react-short-life';
import { Modal } from 'some-package';

function Demo() {
  const [showModal, setShowModal] = useState(false);

  function handleClickButton() {
    setShowModal(x => !x);

  return (
      <button onClick={handleClickButton}>Toggle modal</button>
      <ShortLife feeding={showModal} render={(alive) => <Modal visible={alive}/>}>


Name Type Default Description
feeding boolean false
beforeAlive number 0 negative value means immediately and no timer will be set up
beforeDead number 1000 same as above
render (alive: boolean) => ReactElement | null


  • Your component is not living at first
    • feeding is false
    • the render function is uncalled
  • You start to feed it
    • set feeding to true
    • the render function is called with alive = false
  • After some time of feeding, your component become alive
    • the render function is called with alive = true
    • the length of such time is specified by beforeAlive
  • Play with your component
  • When you feel bored, you stop feeding your component, though still living, it become hungry and not alive anymore
    • set feeding to false
    • the render function is called with alive = false
  • After some time of being hungry, your component die
    • the render function is uncalled
    • the length of such time is specified by beforeDead





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  • zhaoyao91