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1.0.6 • Public • Published

Yelay Lite SDK


The Yelay Lite SDK is a lightweight software development kit for interacting with Yelay's blockchain ecosystem. It provides streamlined access to vaults, yield farming, and projects via smart contract interactions as well as Backend queries.


Only Base(chainId: 8453) is supported currently.


To install the SDK, use npm or pnpm:

npm install @yelay-lite/sdk


pnpm add @yelay-lite/sdk


To start using the SDK, initialize it with an Ethereum signer or provider and a network chainId:

import { YelayLiteSdk } from '@yelay-lite/sdk';
import { Signer } from 'ethers';
import { Provider } from '@ethersproject/abstract-provider';

const signerOrProvider: Signer | Provider = /* Your signer or provider */;
const chainId = 8453;
const sdk = new YelayLiteSdk(signerOrProvider, chainId);

Get vaults

Get all vaults managed on network.

const vaults = await sdk.vaults.getVaults();

Pool management (for integrators only)

const integratorAddress = '0x555';
const vault = '0x1234';
const { minPool, maxPool, clientName } = await sdk.vaults.clientData(integratorAddress, vault);
const poolToActivate = minPool + 5; // should be in range: minPool < poolToActivate < maxPool
const isPoolActive = await sdk.vaults.poolActive(vault, poolToActivate);
if (!isPoolActive) {
	await sdk.vaults.activatePool(vault, poolToActivate);

Deposit ERC20 into the vault

const vault = '0x1234';
const pool = 1234;
const amount = '1000000';

const allowance = await sdk.vaults.allowance(vault);

if (allowance.isZero()) {
	const approveTx = await sdk.vaults.approve(vault, amount);
	await approveTx.wait();

const depositTx = await sdk.vaults.deposit(vault, pool, amount);
await depositTx.wait();

Deposit ETH into the vault

const tx = await sdk.vaults.depositEth(vault, pool, amount);
await tx.wait();

Swap token and deposit into vault in one transaction

const vault = '0x123';
const pool = 1234;
const amount = '1000000';
const tokenToSwap = '0x456';
// only 1inch Aggregation Router v6 is supported
const swapTarget = '1inch Aggregation Router v6 address';
const swapCallData = '0x9...1';

const allowance = await sdk.vaults.vaultWrapperAllowance(tokenToSwap);

if (allowance.isZero()) {
	const approveTx = await sdk.vaults.approveVaultWrapper(tokenToSwap, amount);
	await approveTx.wait();

const swapAndDepositTX = await sdk.vaults.swapAndDeposit(vault, pool, amount, {
	tokenIn: tokenToSwap,
await swapAndDepositTX.wait();

Redeem from the vault

const redeemTx = await sdk.vaults.redeem(vault, pool, amount);
await redeemTx.wait();

Migrate to another pool

const fromPool = 123;
const toPool = 456;
const migrateTx = await sdk.vaults.migrate(vault, fromPool, toPool, amount);
await migrateTx.wait();

Get user share balance in particular pool

const userPoolBalance = await sdk.vaults.balanceOf(vault, pool, await signer.getAddress());

Get pools TVL

const poolsTvl = await sdk.pools.getPoolsTvl(vault, [pool]);

Get yield data on vaults (filtering on vaults/timeframe)

const vaultsYield = await sdk.yields.getVaultsYield();

Get aggregated yield data (filtering on vaults/pools/users/timeframe)

const aggregatedYieldData = await sdk.yields.getYields();


This SDK is licensed under the ISC License.

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