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0.2.6 • Public • Published

Utility for extracting and validating phone numbers. Extracts an array of phone numbers from an inputted string, validates that these numbers appear genuine and provide data about those phone numbers.

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The returned object will include a rawNumber value. This value is the return of the exact value passed to the function. No sanitization occurs with this value. If you reference this number, ensure you sanitize it BEFORE passing to this function.


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There is additional functionality exposed as export, but the primary expected use case is:


Returns a boolean based on whether the passed number is presumed to be valid or invalid.

This checks for region code, number length and validity of region code and area code (where applicable).

import { isValidPhoneNumber } from '@yext/phonenumber-util';
const validPhoneNumber = '3103496333';
isValidPhoneNumber(validPhoneNumber); // Returns `true` - "310" is an area code for California

const invalidPhoneNumber = '3113496333';
isValidPhoneNumber(invalidPhoneNumber); // Returns `false` - "311" is not a valid area code

const intlNumber = '+380 97 123 4567';
isValidPhoneNumber(intlNumber); // Returns `true` - "380" is the region code for Ukraine

const invalidIntlNumber = '+666 97 123 4567';
isValidPhoneNumber(invalidIntlNumber); // Returns `false` - "666" is not a valid region code


Return an object of relevant phone number parts and information.

import { getPhoneParts } from '@yext/phonenumber-util';
const validPhoneNumber = '3496333';
getPhoneParts(validPhoneNumber); // Returns an object, assumed to be US / Canada, region code "1" but no area code can be reliably determined.

const validPhoneNumber = '+923331234567';
getPhoneParts(validPhoneNumber); // Returns an object, assumed to be Pakistan, region code "92".

Example output for Pakistan ("+923331234567"):

  areaCode: null,
  e164: "+923331234567",
  format: "+xx xxx xxx xxxx",
  formattedNumber: "+92 333 123 4567",
  href: "tel:+923331234567",
  localNumber: "3331234567",
  rawNumber: "+923331234567",
  regionCode: "92"

Example for US with 7 digits provided ("3496200") where no state can be determined. Note that e164 and formattedNumber also cannot be derived:

  areaCode: null,
  e164: null,
  format: "(xxx) xxx-xxxx",
  formattedNumber: null,
  href: "tel:3496200",
  localNumber: "3496200",
  rawNumber: "349.6200",
  regionCode: "1"

Example for US with full area code provided ("310.349.9999"):

  areaCode: "310",
  e164: "+13103499999",
  format: "(xxx) xxx-xxxx",
  formattedNumber: "(310) 349-9999",
  href: "tel:+13103499999",
  localNumber: "3103499999",
  rawNumber: "310.349.9999",
  regionCode: "1"


Accepts a full string of text and returns an array of phone numbers extracted from within that text.

The objects within this array will be identical to the object provided in the getPhoneParts above with the only exception being the addition of a index and lastIndex integer noting the start and end of the instance of that specific number within the provided string.

Example for US with full area code provided ("Hey there, my number is 310.349.9999. Please give me a call!"):

    index: 24,
    lastIndex: 36,
    areaCode: '310',
    e164: '+13103499999',
    format: '(xxx) xxx-xxxx',
    formattedNumber: '(310) 349-9999',
    href: 'tel:+13103499999',
    localNumber: '3103499999',
    rawNumber: '310.349.9999',
    regionCode: '1',

Numbers that lack area codes will NOT be returned via findNumbersInString since they cannot be reliably validated.

Example for US with no area code provided ("Hey there, my number is 349.9999. Please give me a call!"):


Geography / Time Functionality

In addition to the above methods, the following methods are also available via a different export.

There is additional functionality exposed as export, but the primary expected use case is:


Returns an object with geographic and time related information for a given region.

NOTE: This is only applicable for United States and Canada.

import { findTimeFromAreaCode } from '@yext/phonenumber-util/geo';

Example output for Arizona:

  areaCodeHasMultipleTimezones: false,
  daylightSavings: true,
  estimatedTime: true,
  isQuietHours: false,
  isTCPAQuietHours: false,
  localTime24Hour: "15:00:00",
  localTimeReadable: "3:00:00 PM",
  region: {
    code: "US",
    flag: "🇺🇸",
    name: "United States"
  state: {
    code: "AZ",
    name: "Arizona"
  stateHasMultipleTimezones: false,
  timezoneOffset: "-07:00"
import { findTimeFromAreaCode } from '@yext/phonenumber-util/geo';
findTimeFromAreaCode('250', date); // A date object is optional, defaulting to the current time.

Example output for British Columbia:

  areaCodeHasMultipleTimezones: true,
  daylightSavings: true,
  estimatedTime: true,
  isCRTCQuietHours: false,
  isQuietHours: false,
  localTime24Hour: "17:00:00",
  localTimeReadable: "5:00:00 PM",
  region: {
    code: "CA",
    flag: "🇨🇦",
    name: "Canada"
  state: {
    code: "BC",
    name: "British Columbia"
  stateHasMultipleTimezones: true,
  timezoneOffset: "-07:00"


import { findRegionFromRegionCode } from '@yext/phonenumber-util/geo';

Returns the string name of a given region name based on region code provided.

NOTE: This string is provided in English only (example: "Norway" and not the region-specific name "Norge").

  code: "NO",
  flag: "🇳🇴",
  name: "Norway"




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