YubaPerf is for measuring code execution performance,comparing between functions code and generating chart to visualize the result .
npm i @youba/yubaperf
# OR
yarn add @youba/yubaperf
- Comparing two functions and generating the chart to visualize the result, the result located on /perf/index.html file
- Ps: You can pass one function with multipel args to measure the performance that function as well
import { Perfom } from "@youba/yubaperf";
function addUpToFirst(n) {
var total = 0;
for (var i = 0; i <= n; i++) {
total += i;
return total;
function addUpToSecond(n) {
return (n * (n + 1)) / 2;
let args = [
1, 100, 1000, 10000, 100000, 1000000, 10000000, 100000000, 1000000000,
Perfom.setfuncsToCompareSync([addUpToFirst, addUpToSecond], args);
- Measure a function and return the result
| name | parameters | Description |
| ---------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------ | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------ |
| perfom.setfuncsToCompareSync | (arr: Array, args: any,xValues::Array) | arr: is array of sync functions to compare,args : args to use on the functions,as args
may be a matrix the xValues parameter came to set bunch or Xvalues for the chart |
| perfom.generateChart() | NONE | generate chart to visualize the result | the chart publish in the file chartjs/index.html |
| perf.start() | (name: string) | name: the name of the performance instance to be started. |
| perf.end() | (name: string) | name: the name of the performance to stop |
| perf.result() | (name: string,parsed?: boolean) | name: the name of the performance to return the result,parsed (default=true): return a readable result on (nano,mils,second time) or returning a bigint resutl |