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0.0.5 • Public • Published


This package offers UI components for DApp developers to easily integrate account recovery. The useKernelAccountRecovery hook opens a pop-up that guides the user through setting up a guardian.

You can see a demo here:

The guardian can complete recovery at the recovery portal.


To install the package, run the following command:

npm install @zerodev/recovery


yarn add @zerodev/recovery


Here is how to use the useKernelAccountRecovery hook in your React application:

import React from 'react';
import { useKernelAccountRecovery } from "@zerodev/recovery";

function App() {
  const kernelAddress = '0x...'; // Replace with the actual kernel address
  const suggestedGuardianAddress = '0x...'; // Replace with the actual suggested guardian address
  const chainId = 1; // Replace with the actual chain ID

  const { openRecoveryPopup, error, recoveryEnabled, guardians, isPending } = useKernelAccountRecovery({
    address: kernelAddress,
    suggestedGuardianAddress, // optional
    onSetupGuardianRequest: async (userOpCallData) => {
      // Implement the logic to handle the user operation call data

  return (
      <button onClick={openRecoveryPopup}>Manage Recovery Guardians</button>
      {error && <p>Error: {error}</p>}
      {isPending && <p>Guardian update in progress...</p>}
      {recoveryEnabled && (
          {guardians.map((guardian, index) => (
            <p key={index}>{guardian}</p>

export default App;

useKernelAccountRecovery Hook API

Input Properties

Property Type Description Required
address string The address of the account for which to manage recovery. Yes
chainId number The ID of the blockchain network. Yes
onSetupGuardianRequest function This is a callback function that processes user operation call data. The popup assembles this call data based on user preferences and then forwards it to this callback function for your implementation to manage. Yes
defaultGuardianAddress string (Optional) A pre-specified guardian address to prefill in the popup, ideal for suggesting your wallet as a guardian. While this address is set as the prefilled option, users retain the option to modify it within the popup as needed. No

Output Properties

Property Type Description
openRecoveryPopup function Function to open the recovery popup.
error string | undefined An error message if an error occurs, otherwise undefined.
recoveryEnabled boolean Indicates whether the account has guardians set up.
guardians string[] Array of guardian addresses.
isPending boolean Indicates whether the process of setting a guardian is currently active. This will be true if the popup is open or if the hook is awaiting guardian confirmation after the user's selection.


If you have suggestions for how @zerodev/recovery could be improved, or want to report a bug, open an issue or a pull request.




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