
1.2.1 • Public • Published


Simple input web-component to be use accross web irrespective of frameworks.


npm install @zestui/input


Name Type Default Description
id string '' Sets the id attribute for the input. Preferred when used inside forms.
name string '' Sets the name attribute for the input. Preferred when used inside forms.
type string 'text Allowed input type values: text, search, tel, url, email, password, date, month, week, time, datetime-local, number, color
label string '' Label to display for the input.
disabled string 'false' When 'true' input is disabled cannot be interacted with.
required string 'false' When 'true' the input field is marked mandatory.
value string '' Sets the value property of the input. Can be used to set default value
placeholder string 'Enter value' Sets the input placeholder.
autofocus boolean false Sets the input autofocus attribute.
pattern string '' Sets the input attribute property for validation.
min string '' Sets the input min attribute for number input.
max string '' Sets the input max attribute for number input.
maxlength string '' Sets the input maxlength attribute.
theme string 'light When 'true', the input will adapt to dark theme.
full-width string 'false' When 'true', the input will take full width of the container. By default the max-width is 300px.
error-msg string '' When error message string is provided, the input will be error themed and error message is displayed.
help-msg string '' When help message string is provided, help message is displayed.
icon string 'false' When 'true', icon will be displayed before the placeholder.


Default Input


Input with label and value

<zest-input id="name" name="name" label="name" placeholder="Enter your name" value='Jay'></zest-input>

Input with error

<zest-input id="error" name="error" label="error" placeholder="Enter your name" error-msg='Name is required'></zest-input>

Disabled Input

<zest-input disabled='true' type='text' value="Jayabratha" placeholder="Disabled Input"></zest-input>

<zest-input disabled='true' type='text' placeholder="Disabled Input"></zest-input>

Icon Input

<zest-input type='text' icon='true' placeholder="Icon Input">
    <span slot='icon' class='icon'>&hearts;</span>


<zest-input id="custom-input" name="custom" label="Custom Input" placeholder="Enter your name"></zest-input>
#custom-input {
    --color-primary: #1eba68;
    --border-radius: 30px;
    --label-case: normal;
    --label-spacing: 0;

Cutomizable property list

Name Default
--color-primary #1eba68;
--color-primary-dark #1ba75e;
--color-secondary #f6f6f6;
--color-secondary-dark #efefef;
--color-secondary-darktheme rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.3);
--color-secondary-dark-darktheme rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.6);
--color-error #dd4421;
--color-error-background #ffebe6;
--color-placeholder #737373;
--color-placeholder-disabled #e0e0e0;
--color-placeholder-darktheme #e0e0e0;
--color-label #909090;
--color-black #2c2c2c;
--color-header-black #252525;
--color-header-tag #747373;
--color-white #ffffff;
--color-border #edebeb;
--border-radius 0.5rem;
--border-width 1px;
--border-width-hover 3px;
--label-spacing 0.2rem;
--label-case uppercase;
--label-font-size 0.8rem;
--button-font-weight 500;



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11.4 kB

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