
0.0.2 • Public • Published

The Zingle SMTP daemon (smtpd) accepts emails with attachments and writes those attachments to Amazon S3.

Installing smtpd

Install the smtpd command using npm.

sudo -H npm install -g @zingle/smtpd

Using smtpd

To start the SMTP daemon, run the smtpd command, optionally passing a path to the configuration file. If no configuration file is specified, there should be a file in the current directory named smtpd.conf.

smtpd /etc/smtpd.conf

Configuring smtpd

The smtpd configuration must be a valid JSON file. The following settings are recognized in the JSON file. Settings with a "." in the name represent nested values within the JSON.


Application secret used to verify and sign JSON Web Tokens (JWTs) for communication between services. If none is provided in the configuration, a random secret will be generated. This can be useful for testing, but keep in mind it changes each time the daemon is started, so JWTs generated will no longer work after a restart.


Connection string for user database. This should be a JDBC-style URL describing a connection to a MariaDB database. This setting is required.

Example: mysql://foouser:mysekret@db01.example.com:3306/my_schema


Port smtpd listens for the administration API. This setting is optional and defaults to 2500.


Port smtpd listens for SMTP messages. This setting is optional and defaults to 25.


Name used to identify the server to SMTP clients. This setting is optional and defaults to the host name.


Welcome message send to SMTP clients. This setting is optional.


Limit on SMTP attachment size. This setting is optional and defaults to 20 MiB.


Path to TLS cert in PEM format, used to secure HTTP/SMTP connections. Note, the server only supports TLS upgrade. This setting is optional. If not set, the server will not use encryption. If set, the tls.key option must also be set.


Alternate path to TLS certificate in PKCS#12 binary format. If set, this overrides tls.cert. This setting is optional.


Path to TLS private key in PEM format, used to secure HTTP/SMTP connections. This setting is optional, but must be included for tls.cert to work.

User Administration

The smtpd server exposes a REST-ful interface for user administration. By default, the API is exposed on port 2500.


There are two methods to authorize requests to the user administration API. The first is to make the request from localhost. The second is to provide a JWT bearer token in the Authorization header. This token must be signed using the same secret configured for smtpd.

Note: there is not currently support for generating a JWT using smtpd. For testing, it is recommended that requests be made from localhost. Support may be added in the future.

Create User - POST /user

Endpoint to add a new user to the system. The body must be a JSON document including an "email" address which smtpd should accept messages for, and a "drop_url" S3 bucket path where incoming attachments will be saved. The S3 path must end in a slash "/"; attachments will be saved to a path using this one as a prefix.

POST /user
Content-Type: application/json

  "email": "foo@example.com",
  "drop_url": "s3://email/env/org/foo/"
303 See Other
Location: /user/foo@example.com

Fetch User - GET /user/:email

Retrieve a user from smtpd. This will return a JSON document with the "email" and "drop_url" provided when creating the user, as well as a "uri" property specifying the relative URL of the user.

GET /user/foo@example.com
200 OK
Content-Type: application/json

  "email": "foo@example.com",
  "drop_url": "s3://email/env/org/foo/",
  "uri": "/user/foo@example.com"

Delete User - DELETE /user/:email

Delete a user from smtpd.

DELETE /user/foo@example.com
204 No Content




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