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0.0.131 • Public • Published


With the ZKEmail SDK you can create proofs about emails using blueprints. You can create blueprints with this SDK (documentation pending), or using our registry.


The SDK works for all JavaScript environments. You can find examples for server-side (Node, Deno, Bun) and client-side (Vite, Next.js) usage here.

To install run:

npm i @zk-email/sdk

Create a blueprint

Go to our registry and create a blueprint there. You can also create one with the SDK, we will provide the documentation for this shortly.

Generate a proof

Initialize the SDK:

import zkeSdk from "@zk-email/sdk";
const sdk = zkSdk();

Next, obtain the slug of the blueprint you want to create a proof for from our registry.

Copy Slug

Use the slug to get the blueprint:

const blueprint = await sdk.getBlueprint("Bisht13/SuccinctZKResidencyInvite@v2");

You can optionally test first if the email can be used with the blueprint.

You can check out our Next.js example to see how a user can locally upload an email file.

const isValid = await blueprint.validateEmail(emailStr);

Create a prover. Here you can define whether the proof should be generated remotely (faster) or in the browser (slower but private). Set isLocal to true for proving in the browser.

const prover = blueprint.createProver({ isLocal: true });

Now pass the email as a string to the prover to generate a proof.

If your blueprint requires external inputs, pass them as a second argument.

// 2. argument, externalInputs is only required if defined in the blueprint
const proof = await prover.generateProof(emailStr, [
  { name: "email", value: "a@b.de", maxLength: 50 },

console.log("Proof data: ", proof.props.proofData);
console.log("Public data: ", proof.props.publicData);

Verify a proof


You can verify a proof direclty using a instance of Proof. verifyProof will be true if the proof is valid and false if it is invalid.

const verified = await blueprint.verifyProof(proof);
console.log("Proof is valid: ", verified);

If you only have the proof data, you can verify the proof like this:

const verified = await blueprint.verifyProofData(
console.log("Proof is valid: ", verified);

On chain

We currently use a contract deployed to Base Sepolia for this.

const isVerified = await blueprint.verifyProofOnChain(proof);

Fetch emails with Gmail

You can use the sdks' Gmail utility class to fetch users emails according to the blueprints query.

NOTE: This will only work if you approved your domain with us.

import zkeSdk, { Gmail } from "@zk-email/sdk";

const gmail = new Gmail();
const sdk = zkeSdk();

// optional - manually start Login with Google flow and authorize before fetching emails
await gmail.authorize();

// Will start Login with Google flow if not already autorized
// Fetches emails using the email queries given in the blueprints
const emails = await gmail.fetchEmails([blueprint]);

// Will return an empty array if there are no more emails matching the blueprints query
const moreEmails = await gmail.fetchMore();

// You can validate if an email is valid according to a blueprint
const isValid = await blueprint.validateEmail(emails[0].decodedContents);
console.log("isValid: ", isValid);



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