
0.0.3 • Public • Published


Plugin system for Zora


import { createHarness } from '@zorax/plug'

const options = { defaultFooMsg = 'should be foo' }

const plugins = [{
  name: 'foo',

  description: 'adds a foo assertion',

  test(t, harness) {
    const { options: defaultFooMsg } = harness

    t.foo = (actual, msg = defaultFooMsg) =>
      t.eq(actual, 'foo', msg)

const harness = createHarness(options, plugins)

harness.test('foo', t => {



import { createHarnessFactory } from '@zorax/plug'

const defaultPlugins = [...]

const defaultOptions = {...}

export const createHarness = createHarnessFactory(


A plugin is a plain object with a name, and optional hooks.


const myPlugin = {
  name: 'my plugin',

  description: 'optional description',

  // --- hooks --
  // - in the order they are called
  // - the 1st argument is the target obj (expected to be mutated by the hook)
  // - t is the test context (can be test context, proxy or harness)
  // - z is the proxy (can be proxy or harness)
  // - h is the root harness (can be the same as t and/or z)
  test(t, z, h) => {},
  harness(z, h) => {},
  init(h) => {},
  decorateTest(t, z, h) => {},
  decorateHarness(z, h) => {},
  decorateInit(h) => {},

  // - report hook -
  // These hooks will be called before report of the root harness, even if
  // plugged from a child proxy (i.e. when the tests begins being executed).
  // If the report hook returns a function, then it will be called after report
  // of the root harness, that is after the tests have completed and the result
  // reported.
  report(h, args) => h => {
    // before report
    return () => {
      // after report


  • test
  • harness
  • init
  • decorateTest
  • decorateHarness
  • decorateInit
  • report


Plugins are passed the different context objects that are created during the tests lifecycle (harness, proxy, test context), and they are free to augment or modify them by directly mutating the object (e.g. adding properties, wrapping methods, etc.).

There is an additional "decorate phase" where plugins are not allowed to change existing references anymore (e.g. by wrapping a method). This phase is intended for adding decorators to methods themselves (e.g. add test.only, we need to be sure that the test function reference won't change).

Hooks order

Given plugins [pg1, pg2], hooks are called in the following order:

# mutate phase
pg1.test -> pg1.harness -> pg1.init ->
pg2.test -> pg2.harness -> pg2.init ->

# decorate phase
pg1.decorateTest -> pg1.decorateHarness -> pg1.decorateInit ->
pg2.decorateTest -> pg2.decorateHarness -> pg2.decorateInit

Type of targets

Not all types of test contexts go through all hooks.

  • the root test harness goes through all hooks: test, harness, init

  • harness proxies (returned by plug) go through: test, harness

  • and test contexts (created by test) go through: test


Hooks of the different stages are called with the following arguments:

  • test hooks are called with (target, proxy, harness)

  • harness hooks are called with (target, harness)

  • init hooks are called with (harness) (which is also the target in this case)


  • plugins must mutate the target object that is passed to them; the return value of the hook is ignored

  • a plugin with a init stage (i.e. init or decorateInit hooks) can't be added with plug; it can only be added at harness creation

  • zorax.plug attaches a harness' options object and plugins array to the harness as harness.options and harness.plugins


Access harness options

  test(t, { options: { ... }}) {},
  harness(z, { options: { ... }}) {},
  init(h) {
    const { options: { ... } } = h

Skip decorating harness & proxies in test hook

  test(t, z, h) {
    if (t === z) return
    if (t === h) return
    // do your things

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