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1.2.0 • Public • Published


Javascript wrapper for Elgato Key Lights and Light Strip control

Based on elgato-light-api by NickParks (https://github.com/NickParks/elgato-light-api)


Running npm i @zunderscore/elgato-light-control will install the package. Typescript is natively supported.

How to use

Create a new instance of ElgatoKeyLightController or ElgatoLightStripController, depending on what you want to control:

const keyLightController = new ElgatoKeyLightController();
const lightStripController = new ElgatoLightStripController();

An Event Emitter is used to notify listeners when a new Key Light or Light Strip is detected.

keyLightController.on('newKeyLight', (newKeyLight: KeyLight) => {
    console.log('New Key Light: ' + newKeyLight.name);

lightStripController.on('newLightStrip', (newLightStrip: LightStrip) => {
    console.log('New Light Strip: ' + newLightStrip.name);

ElgatoKeyLightController has two main functions (updateLightOptions and updateAllLights) and an Array of all discovered Key Lights (keyLights).

keyLightController.updateLightOptions(keyLightController.keyLights[0], options).then(() => {
    console.log("Key Light has been updated!");
}).catch(e => {
    console.error("Error: ", e);

keyLightController.updateAllLights(options).then(() => {
    console.log("All Key Lights have been updated!");
}).catch(e => {
    console.error("Error: ", e);

Similarly, ElgatoLightStripController also has two main functions (updateLightOptions and updateAllStrips) and an Array of all discovered Light Strips (lightStrips)

lightStripController.updateLightOptions(lightStripController.lightStrips[0], options).then(() => {
    console.log("Light Strip has been updated!");
}).catch(e => {
    console.error("Error: ", e);

lightStripController.updateAllStrips(options).then(() => {
    console.log("All Light Strips have been updated!");
}).catch(e => {
    console.error("Error: ", e);

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  • zunderscore