A command line utility to manage the file uploads, downloads and sharing directly from terminal on your Dropbox. Built with Vorpal.js.
Requirements & Dependencies
- Node.js(v4.6.0)
- Dropbox app (optional for checking the results)
git clone https://github.com/nitin42/T-Box.git
cd T-Box
npm install
node run.js
To manage the files directly from terminal on your Dropbox account, you would need to have your access token which is a three step process. After you have your access token, open token.js
and paste it. Thats it!
➥ help
help [command...] Provides help for a given command.
exit Exits application.
Upload [file] Uploads a file (less than 150 MB) to Dropbox
Share [linkto] Share a file through a link generated
Download [link] Download a file given the share link from Dropbox
Info [meta] Information about the file on Dropbox
Create [new] Create a new folder on Dropbox
Show [folder] List all the files in a folder on Dropbox
Delete [unneeded] Delete a file from Dropbox
Save [page] [nick] Save a url to Dropbox with a name provided
Note - Due to some new changes in the Dropbox API, now users can only upload the file less than 150 MB with minimal methods. Additional uploads with size more than 150 MB can only be uploaded with upload sessions.
Add unit tests for any or changed functionality
Release History
- 0.1.0 Initial release