Projects that use the FED-Archetype (UI.Frontend) and go with Typescript can add this package to their project to get some very common global helper modules.
This is a work-in-progess. I plan to make these interfaces and focus on extensibility. I also have plans to add more utilities as I finish evaulating the ones see myself using a lot.
- CollapseContent
- addClickCollapseListener
- toggleClick
- openContent
- closeContent
- setCustomCallback
- setCustomOnClickClass
- setInstanceVariables
- checkIfElementHasCollapseClasses
- toggleCollapseClass
- setInitialCollapseState
- setAriaState
- CustomEventPolyfill
- CustomEvent
- polyfill
- Devices (enum)
- Mobile
- Tablet
- Web
- Desktop
- DeviceCheck
- private static readonly smBreakpoint;
- private static readonly mdBreakpoint;
- private static readonly lgBreakpoint;
- getCurrentDevice
- isMobileDevice
- isTabletDevice
- isWebDevice
- isDesktop
- isBrowser
- DocumentReady
- ready
- Focus
- preventFocusIndicatorOnClick
- QueryParams
- getParam
- RequestUtils
- makeJSONRequest
- ScrollToTarget
- scrollToTarget
- scrollIntoView
- TrapFocus
- trapFocus
- WCMUtils
- getWcmMode
- isWcmEditMode
- isAuthorInstance