
0.4.0 • Public • Published


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A set of A-Frame components for quickly creating rooms connected by doors.

Click here to see an example



Install and use by directly including the browser files:

  <title>My A-Frame Scene</title>
  <script src=""></script>
  <script src=""></script>

		<rw-room position="-2 0 -2" material="color:#866">
			<rw-wall position="4 0 0"></rw-wall>
			<rw-wall position="4 0 4"></rw-wall>
			<rw-wall position="0 0 4"></rw-wall>
			<rw-wall position="0 0 0">
		  		<rw-doorhole id="holeA"></rw-doorhole>
		  		<rw-doorlink from="#holeA" to="#holeB" position="2.5 0 0"></rw-doorlink>
		<rw-room position="0 0 -3">
			<rw-wall position=" 1 0 -1" material="color:#787"></rw-wall>
			<rw-wall position=" 1 0  1" material="color:#877">
				<rw-doorhole id="holeB"></rw-doorhole>
			<rw-wall position="-1 0  1" material="color:#878"></rw-wall>
			<rw-wall position="-1 0 -1" material="color:#778"></rw-wall>

Or with angle, you can install the proper version of the component straight into your HTML file, respective to your version of A-Frame:

angle install aframe-room-component


Install via npm:

npm install aframe-room-component

Then require and use.




This is set of primitives (also usable as components) that can be used to easily lay out rooms connected by doors in A-Frame. Here is an overview of their usage. (Attributes in italics are redundant shorthands; see below.)

Primitive Component Purpose Attributes & Components
rw-room room Contains a set of walls, and other objects. position, outside, material, height, width, length
rw-wall wall Marks one corner of a wall, which will connect to the next. position, material, height
rw-doorhole doorhole Marks a wall so that a doorlink can connect to it. (none)
rw-doorlink doorlink Connects two doorholes, as well as positioning them as close to it as possible. from, to, position, width, height
rw-floor, rw-ceiling, rw-sides floor, ceiling, sides Used to assign materials to the floor and ceiling of rooms and doorlinks, and to the sides of doorlinks. material


An a-scene can contain multiple rw-rooms.

An rw-room must contain at least three rw-walls. You can add outside="true" to the room if you want its walls to describe the outside of a building rather than the interior of a room.

An rw-wall can have any a-frame entity as a child. rw-walls are oriented so that their x direction always points toward the next wall; i.e., when an object is parented to an rw-wall, its x coordinate controls how far along the wall it is, its y coordinate controls how high off the ground it is, and its z coordinate controls how distant from the wall it is.

An rw-doorhole must be the child of an rw-wall. It is used to indicate on which wall a door connection should exist. An rw-doorhole can also have any a-frame entity as a child (for example, a model of a literal door). Note: do not apply a position to an rw-doorhole! Their position will be assigned by the rw-doorlink they are linked to.

An rw-doorlink can be a child of an a-scene (i.e. outside of a room), or a child of an rw-wall. (It cannot be the child of an rw-doorhole!) Its position is used to automatically set the position of the two rw-doorholes that it is connected to: they will be moved as close as possible to it on their walls. This allows doorways to always automatically be directly connected by the shortest distance (rather than forcing you to manually position both of the doorholes to line up). Choosing whether to parent the rw-doorlink to the scene or to one of the two walls that it's connecting is up to you, depending on the building layout you're creating. (It may be simpler to make adjustments a room depending on whether or not the door moves with it or tries to stay in place.)

An rw-floor and an rw-ceiling must be the child of either an rw-room or an rw-doorlink. They exist as a place to attach the material you wish to have applied to the floor or ceiling of the room (or doorlink). An rw-sides is similar, but is only used in doorlinks. You can omit them if you wish (i.e. if you would rather manually create a single floorplane for your entire building instead).


If an rw-wall does not have a material component, it will use its parent rw-room's material component. (A material component must be supplied on either the rw-wall or the rw-room.) The same goes for rw-floor, rw-ceiling and rw-sides (and their parent rw-doorlink or rw-room).

Similarly, if an rw-wall does not have a height attribute, it will use its parent rw-room's height attribute. (If neither has a height attribute, a default height of 2.4m will be used.)

If an rw-room has a width attribute and a length attribute, and four rw-walls inside, the positions can be ommitted from the walls; they will be set automatically, to form a rectangle with one corner at 0,0 and the opposite corner at width,length. (This is just to save typing in the relatively common case of rectangular, axis-aligned rooms.)



Have a look at the source to this example to see some ways that this system can be used.

You may find it helpful to use a mixin for a commonly-occuring material (such as a floor material).

If you want to make a door to the outside world, make an rw-room around your other rooms, with outside="true" on it, and put the other doorhole on one of its walls.

These primitives should all correctly respect changes made in the Inspector; however, at the moment, there seems to be a bug where changes are only propagated to the objects a few times a second. If you have made changes in the inspector but things look like they aren't fitting right, make a minor change to one of the numerical properties to force everything to update.

Planned features

  • Greater control over UV generation (world space, scale to surface, etc)
  • Automatically assign collision for movement and teleportation systems
  • Create doors above ground level (i.e. windows)
  • Specify shapes to be extruded to automatically create doorframes and baseboards

Known issues

Room corners (i.e. rw-walls) can be specified in either clockwise or counterclockwise order; however, they will be rearranged internally to always wind clockwise, so you may find that the x axis is pointing to the previous wall rather than the next wall if you list them in counterclockwise order. (This doesn't hurt anything; it's just something to be aware of in case you're confused why it's happening.) This will also happen if you copy a room but set it to outside.

Walls can have non-zero y coordinates, which for the most part should be handled gracefully — however, there is no simple way to offer control over the triangulation of the ceiling and floor, so rooms whose wall slopes aren't constant may have unpredictable floor and ceiling shapes.

In general, this system is still very early, so it contains very little error reporting or sanity checks, and generally has not yet been thoroughly tested, so use with caution, and let me know what issues you run into.

In closing

I hope this lets you express your ideas in virtual reality more easily! Creating wall with doors has always been one of the most frustratingly time-consuming steps in sketching out a basic building, for me; so hopefully this will allow more people to create and share the fictional spaces of their dreams, or re-creations of real places they wish more people could see! Please do let me know if this has helped you to create something; I'd love to see it.

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