A dead simple 1.3kb store for React
# yarn yarn add agestor # npm npm i agestor
Create store
// App.jsimport React from 'react'import createStore from 'agestor/createStore' const initialValue = luckyNumber: 15 capital: colorado: 'Denver' const App = <h1>My App</h1> App initialValue
You can pass the initial store value as the second argumento of the function createStore
Connect a component to the store'key')
Using // MyComponentimport React from 'react'import withStore from 'agestor/withStore' const MyComponent = store <p>Lucky number: store</p> // You can also get nested values <p>The capital of colorado is: storecolorado</p> MyComponent
Set data in store
const store = propsstorestore
Read data from the store
const store = propsconst exampleKey = store const defaultValue = name : 'an optional default value if the key is not found' const another_key = store
Remove data from the store
const store = propsstore
Get all data from the store
// All your data in on the store variableconst store = props
Set multiple data in one shot
Using an object with the key
and the value
properties: { key: 'key', value: theValue }
const store = propsconst firstObject = key: 'key-one' value: 'value-one' const secondObject = key: 'key-two' value: 'value-two' store
When creating the store with createStore
you can pass the store initial value:
const initialValue = someKey : 'some value' anotherKey : name : 'my initial value' App initialValue