
1.0.6 • Public • Published


Akiko a minimal JavaScript command-line toolkit for code generation, file management, web searches, testing setups, and daily motivation. Simplify your development workflows with an all-in-one command-line tool.


Before you can use Akiko, - make sure you have Node.js installed on your system.

Then, you can install it globally using npm:

npm install -g akiko
// In Linux, MacOS terminal or GitBash for Windows
akiko --version

or as a dependency

npm install akiko

In your package.json add scripts

  "scripts": {
    "akiko": "akiko",

Then you can run it through npm

// In Linux, MacOS terminal or GitBash for Windows
npm run akiko --version


Akiko offers a multitude of commands to assist you in various development tasks. Below is an overview of the available commands:

Code Generation

  • make:class [names...]: Create JavaScript classes.
  • make:object [names...]: Create JavaScript objects.
  • make:func [names...]: Create JavaScript functions.
  • make:json [names...]: Create JSON files.
  • make:html [names...]: Create HTML files.
  • make:css [names...]: Create CSS files.
  • make:react [names...]: Create React files.
  • make:comp-r [names...]: Create React components.
  • make:page-r [names...]: Create React pages.
  • make:hook-r [names...]: Create custom React hooks.
  • make:vue [names...]: Create Vue files.
  • make:comp-v [names...]: Create Vue components.
  • make:page-v [names...]: Create Vue pages.
  • make:hook-v [names...]: Create Vue hooks.
  • make:svelte [names...]: Create Svelte files.
  • make:comp-s [names...]: Create Svelte components.
  • make:page-s [names...]: Create Svelte pages.
  • make:jest [names...]: Create Jest test files.
  • make:mocha [names...]: Create Mocha test files.

File Management

  • make:gitignore [names...]: Generate a .gitignore file.

  • read <file>: Read the contents of a file.

Web Searches

  • google <query>: Search something on Google.
  • youtube <query>: Search something on YouTube.
  • github <query>: Search for repositories on GitHub.


  • quote: Generate a motivational quote.


  • info: Get information about the package.


  • help: Display help information for all available commands.



akiko make:react Button Card ProductList
// This command generates React files in your project src/.
akiko make:comp-r Button Card ProductList
// This command generates React components in your project src/components.
akiko make:page-r About Contact Home
// This command generates React pages in your project src/pages.
akiko make:hook-r useSearch useFetch
// This command generates custom React hooks in your project src/hooks.
akiko make:jest Button Card
// This command generates Jest in your project src/__tests__.


akiko make:vue Button Card ProductList
// This command generates Vue files in your project src/.
akiko make:comp-v Button Card ProductList
// This command generates Vue components in your project src/components.
akiko make:page-v About Contact Home
// This command geneates Vue pages in your project src/views.
akiko make:hook-v useSearch useFetch
// This command generates custom Vue hooks in your project src/hooks.
akiko make:jest Button Card
// This command generates Jest in your project src/__tests__.


akiko make:svelte Button Card ProductList
// This command generates Svelte files in your project src/.
akiko make:comp-s Button Card ProductList
// This command generates Svelte components in your project src/components.
akiko make:page-s About Contact Home
// This command geneates Svelte pages in your project src/pages.

Web Search

akiko google "React Tutorial"

google Search URL: https://www.google.com/search?q=React%2BTutorial

akiko youtube "React Tutorial"
akiko github "React Tutorial"

This command search "React Tutorial" on (google, youtube, github) search.

Motivational Quote

akiko quote

Random Quote:
The best way to predict the future is to create it. - Peter Drucker


Under the MIT License



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npm i akiko

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  • panhareach