
1.1.18 • Public • Published


Alloxonometer.js is a lightweigt Javascript package for combining pairs of Zipfian ranked lists of components and provide divergence metrics. The library performs the divergence calculations among two systems, which will typically be consumed by the following 2 tools to visualize results.

Use cases and install

  • Explore systems and formulate research questions: we recommend starting with the web app...
  • Running multiple or larger scale analyses: we recommend using the py-allotax, which details its install instructions, details the required data format, and provides examples in its repo.

CSV input

The allotaxonometer expects 2 tables in the following form:

types counts totalunique probs
0 John 8502 1161 0.0766
1 William 7494 1161 0.0675
2 James 5097 1161 0.0459
3 George 4458 1161 0.0402
4 Charles 4061 1161 0.0366

Paper data

Babynames data

The original babyname dataset for boys and girls can be found on the website. But we use the dataset here to replicate the original paper. You can find a 5-years aggregated version used in the Observable version in data/. The original dataset includes each year from 1880–2018, which have 5 or more applications. You can convert the original folder into the formatted .json file using R with the following command:

read_and_write_babyname_dat <- function(fname, gender) {
  d <- readr::read_csv(fname, 
                       col_names = c("types", "gender", "counts"), 
                       col_select = c("types", "counts"),
                       col_types = c("c", "i"))
  d$probs <- d$counts / sum(d$counts)
  d$total_unique <- nrow(d)
# You need to be in the folder above `data/`, which is the unzip folder contained in 
  list.files("data/", pattern = "names-boys*"), 
  ~read_and_write_babyname_dat(paste("data", .x, sep = "/"), "boys")

  list.files("data/", pattern = "names-girls*"), 
  ~read_and_write_babyname_dat(paste("data", .x, sep = "/"), "girls")

Twitter data

We access the Twitter data from the Comptuational Story Lab storywrangling' API. Unfortunately, the API only work when you are connected on the University of Vermont's VPN. Follow the instructions here to get the VPN working. Once this is done, run the following lines from the command line:

git clone
cd storywrangling
pip install -e .

Then from python you can get the top ngram count with rank data for any given day with the following:

from storywrangling import Storywrangler
from datetime import datetime
import json
from pathlib import Path

def get_ngram(yr, month, day, fname=False):
    storywrangler = Storywrangler()
    ngram_zipf = storywrangler.get_zipf_dist(
        date=datetime(yr, month, day),
        lang="en", ngrams="1grams",
        max_rank=10000, rt=False
        "ngram":"types", "count":"counts", "count_no_rt":"counts_no_rt",
        "rank":"rank", "rank_no_rt":"rank_no_rt", "freq":"probs", "freq_no_rt":"probs_no_rt"
     .assign(totalunique = lambda x: x.shape[0])\
     .loc[:, ["types", "counts", "totalunique", "probs"]]\

    ngram_zipf = { f"{yr}_{month}_{day}": [_ for _ in ngram_zipf.values()] }

    if fname:
        if Path(fname).exists():
            with open(fname) as f:
                old_dat = json.load(f)

        with open(fname, 'w') as f:
            json.dump(ngram_zipf, f)
       return ngram_zipf

Note that this solution is a bit clunky. At some point we would prefer to have a sql DB that we can interact with.

Species Abundance Data

We access the species abundance data from, downloading the full dataset, unzipping it, and then loading bci.tree<i>.rdata for i in (1-8), as well as bci.spptable.rdata. We then run the following code to subset the full census represented by each of the bci.tree<i>.rdata to get the counts of the species of the trees alive during that census, combine merge that with the species name database to get the full name, and then put it in the format that our allotaxonometer code expects:


tree_data <- vector("list", length=8)

dfs = list(bci.tree1, bci.tree2, bci.tree3, bci.tree4,  bci.tree5, bci.tree6, bci.tree7, bci.tree8)

for (i in seq_along(dfs)) {
  full_census <- merge(dfs[[i]], bci.spptable, by='sp') 
  alive_census <-full_census[full_census$status %in% c('A','AD'),] # A='Alive', AD='A seldom-used code, applied when a tree was noted as dead in one census but was found alive in a later census. For most purposes, this code should be interpreted the same as code A for alive.'
  count_df <- dplyr::count(alive_census, Latin, sort = TRUE)
  names(count_df)[names(count_df) == 'Latin'] <- 'types'
  names(count_df)[names(count_df) == 'n'] <- 'counts'
  count_df['totalunique'] <- nrow(count_df)
  count_df['probs']<-count_df['counts'] / nrow(alive_census)
  tree_data[[i]] <- count_df

names(tree_data) <- c("1981-1983", "1985", "1991-1992", "1995-1996", "2000-2001", "2005-2006", "2010-2011", "2013-2015")

exportJson <- toJSON(tree_data)
write(exportJson, "tree_species_counts.json")




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