
4.7.4 • Public • Published

AlrdyAnimate Library

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AlrdyAnimate is a lightweight JavaScript library for adding scroll-triggered animations to your web pages. It provides easy-to-use options for customizing animation behavior and supports IntersectionObserver for efficient performance. With version 2.0.0, it now includes optional GSAP integration for more powerful animations.


You can include AlrdyAnimate in your project using either CDN or npm.

Using CDN

<!-- From GitHub  -->
<!-- Latest version-->
<link rel="stylesheet" href="">
<script src=""></script>

<!-- Or specific version -->
<link rel="stylesheet" href="">
<script src=""></script>

<!-- From UNPKG -->
<!-- Latest version -->
<link rel="stylesheet" href="">
<script src=""></script>

<!-- Or specific version -->
<link rel="stylesheet" href="">
<script src=""></script>

  document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', function() {
      ease: 'ease-in-out',
      again: false,
      viewportPercentage: 0.9,
      duration: 2,
      delay: 0.5,
      gsapFeatures: ['text', 'slider', 'scroll', 'hover']  // Specify which GSAP features to load
    }).then(() => {
      // GSAP features are now available globally
      console.log('GSAP features loaded successfully');
      // You can now use:
      // - gsap
      // - ScrollTrigger
      // - Draggable (if 'slider' feature was loaded)

Using NPM

  1. Install the package:
npm install alrdy-animate
  1. Import and initialize:
import { AlrdyAnimate } from 'alrdy-animate';
import 'alrdy-animate/dist/AlrdyAnimate.css';

document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', () => {
  try {
      ease: 'ease-in-out',
      again: false,
      viewportPercentage: 0.6,
      duration: 2,
      delay: 0.5,
      gsapFeatures: ['text', 'loop', 'scroll']  // Specify which GSAP features to load
    }).then(() => {
      // GSAP features are now available globally
      console.log('GSAP features loaded successfully');
      // You can now use:
      // - gsap
      // - ScrollTrigger
      // - Draggable (if 'loop' feature was loaded)
    }).catch(error => {
      console.error('Error initializing AlrdyAnimate:', error);
  } catch (error) {
    console.error('Error during initialization setup:', error);

Configuration Options

Option Type Default Description
ease string 'ease-in-out' Animation easing function
again boolean false Whether animations should replay when scrolling up
viewportPercentage number 0.6 When element should start animating (0.0 - 1.0)
duration number 1 Animation duration in seconds
delay number 0 Animation delay in seconds
gsapFeatures array [] GSAP features to load: ['text', 'loop', 'scroll']
debug boolean false Enable GSAP debug info

CSS Animations triggered on scroll (via JS)

Add the aa-animate attribute to the element you want to animate. Once it scrolls into view, JS will add an in-view class to the element and the animation will be triggered. You can also add optional attributes (see element attributes below) to customize the animation for individual elements.

  • aa-animate: The animation type to apply. Example: aa-animate="float-up".

Element Attributes

  • aa-children: Accepts same values as aa-animate, but applies animation to all children if set. Use in conjunction with aa-stagger to set a staggered animation and aa-delay to set the starting point for all children. Example: aa-children="fade-up".
  • aa-ease: Overwrites the global easing function for this element. Example: aa-ease="ease-in-out".
  • aa-duration: The animation duration for this element, in seconds. Example: aa-duration="2".
  • aa-delay: The animation delay for this element, in seconds. Example: aa-delay="0.5".
  • aa-delay-mobile: If set, overwrites the delay on mobile devices. Example: aa-delay-mobile="0.5s".
  • aa-color-initial: The initial background color for the animation. Example: aa-color-initial="#d7ff64".
  • aa-color-final: The final background color for the animation. Example: aa-color-final="#d7ff64".
  • aa-anchor: Specify an anchor element to trigger the animation (useful for fixed elements that should be animated when the anchor scrolls into view). Example: aa-anchor="#trigger" on the element to be animated combined with <div id="trigger">Headline</div>.
  • aa-viewport: Override the global viewport percentage for this element. Example: aa-viewport="0.6".
  • aa-distance: The distance multiplier for the animation. Example: aa-distance="1.5".

CSS Animations triggered instantly (CSS only)

Add the aa-instant attribute to the element you want to animate. The animation will be triggered immediately. You can also add optional attributes (see instant element attributes below) to customize the animation for individual elements.

  • aa-instant: The animation type to apply. Example: aa-instant="fade-up".

Instant Element Attributes

  • aa-ease: Overwrites the global easing function for this element. Example: aa-ease="ease-in-out".
  • aa-duration: Set the animation duration for this element, in seconds. Example: aa-duration="2". Available range: 0.1s - 3s in increments of 0.1s
  • aa-delay: Set the animation delay for this element, in seconds. Example: aa-delay="0.5". Available range: 0.05s - 1.5s in increments of 0.05s
  • aa-stagger: Set a staggered animation delay for up to 10 child elements, in seconds. Example: aa-stagger="0.5". Available range: 0.05s - 0.5s in increments of 0.05s

CSS Animation Types

AlrdyAnimate provides a wide variety of CSS animations that can be applied using the aa-animate attribute.

Fade Animations

Simple fade animations with optional directional movement:

  • fade (available for instant)
  • fade-up, fade-down, fade-left, fade-right (available for instant)
  • fade-up-right, fade-up-left, fade-down-right, fade-down-left

Float Animations

Fade animations with a smooth back-bounce effect:

  • float-up, float-down, float-left, float-right (available for instant)

Zoom Animations

Scale animations with optional directional movement:

  • zoom-in, zoom-out (available for instant)
  • zoom-in-up, zoom-in-down, zoom-in-left, zoom-in-right (available for instant)
  • zoom-out-up, zoom-out-down, zoom-out-left, zoom-out-right (available for instant)

Slide Animations

Pure sliding movements without opacity change:

  • slide-up, slide-down, slide-left, slide-right (available for instant)

Blurred Slide Animations

Sliding with a blur effect:

  • slide-in-blurred-bottom, slide-in-blurred-top (available for instant)
  • slide-in-blurred-left, slide-in-blurred-right (available for instant)

Rotate Animations

Rotate animations from bottom right (br) and bottom left (bl) corners, clockwise (cw) and counter-clockwise (ccw). You can define the rotation degree by changing the numeric value at the end, e.g. rotate-br-cw-15. Available degrees are 5, 15, 25, 35, 45.

  • rotate-br-cw-45, rotate-br-ccw-45 (available for instant)
  • rotate-bl-cw-45, rotate-bl-ccw-45 (available for instant)

3D Animations

Flip Animations

3D flip effects:

  • flip-left, flip-right, flip-up, flip-down

Swing Animations

Requires a parent element to have a perspective set, e.g. perspective: 1000px;. 3D swing effects (anchored to top):

  • swing-fwd, swing-bwd (available for instant)

Forward Turn Animations

Requires a parent element to have a perspective set, e.g. perspective: 1000px;. 3D rotation effects (available for instant):

  • turn-3d-soft: Soft rotation around X axis
  • turn-3d-soft-3em: Same as rotate-soft but with built-in perspective
  • turn-3d-elliptic: Stronger elliptic rotation around X axis

Pseudo Overlay Reveal

Creates a pseudo element on top of the content and reveals it. Use aa-bg-color-initial to set the color of the pseudo element.

  • pseudo-reveal-up, pseudo-reveal-down
  • pseudo-reveal-right, pseudo-reveal-left

Example usage:

  Animated content

GSAP Features

AlrdyAnimate supports several GSAP-powered features that can be enabled by including them in the gsapFeatures array during initialization:

Text Animations

(gsapFeatures: ['text'])

  • Set the animation type with aa-animate="text-...".
  • Pair with aa-split to define how to split the text for animation:
    • There are 4 split types: lines, words, chars or lines&words (i.e. both lines and words will be animated simultaneously).
    • Optionally, you can add clip to wrap each line in a clip wrapper and prevent overflow, resulting in a clipping effect during the animation. Example: aa-split="words.clip".
  • Use aa-scroll to make the animation scroll-driven. There are two options: aa-scroll="snap" and aa-scroll="smooth".
  • Use aa-stagger to set the stagger effect for split text animations, in seconds. Example: aa-stagger="0.05".

Available Text Animations

  • text-slide-up: Slides the text up from the bottom.
  • text-slide-down: Slides the text down from the top.
  • text-tilt-up: Slides and rotates the text up from the bottom.
  • text-tilt-down: Slides and rotates the text down from the top.
  • text-rotate-soft: Rotates the text softly around the X axis. Best works with aa-split="lines" or aa-split="lines.clip".
  • text-fade-soft: Fades the text in, starts with 30% opacity.
  • text-fade: Fades the text in, starts with 0% opacity.

Slider Animations

(gsapFeatures: ['slider'])

Creates infinite scrolling, snapping, or static slider animations. To use:

  1. Add aa-animate="slider" to the container element. (By default, the slider will animate horizontally, but you can add -vertical to animate vertically.)
  2. Add aa-slider-item attribute to each element that should be animated
  3. Optionally, add navigation controls (aa-slider-prev, aa-slider-next) and a counter (aa-slider-current, aa-slider-total). These elements need to located inside the element with aa-animate="slider".

Basic Setup

<div aa-animate="slider">
  <div class="slider-container">
    <div class="slider-item" aa-slider-item>
      <div class="slider-item-content">Item 1</div>
    <div class="slider-item" aa-slider-item>
      <div class="slider-item-content">Item 2</div>
    <!-- Add more items as needed -->

  <!-- Navigation Controls -->
      <button aa-slider-prev>Previous</button>
      <button aa-slider-next>Next</button>

      <!-- Counter -->
      <div class="counter">
        <span aa-slider-current>01</span>
        <span aa-slider-total>06</span>

Animation Types

  1. Slider Animations (slider)

    • Static slider that requires navigation
    • Combine with:
      • Interaction: -draggable or -snap
      • Position: -center (defaults to left aligned)
    • Example: slider-draggable-snap
  2. Loop Animations (slider-loop)

    • Continuous infinite scrolling
    • aa-duration: Inversely affects speed (1 is slower than 2)
    • Combine with:
      • Direction: defaults to left, add -reverse to animate right
      • Interaction: -draggable
      • Position: -center (defaults to left aligned)
    • Example: slider-loop-left-draggable
  3. Snap Animations (slider-snap)

    • Snaps from one item to the next
    • aa-duration: Duration of each snap animation
    • aa-delay: Pause duration between snaps
    • Combine with:
      • Direction: defaults to left, add -reverse to animate right
      • Interaction: -draggable
      • Position: -center (defaults to left aligned)
    • Example: slider-snap-right-draggable

CSS Requirements

  • Container needs display: flex and gap set
  • Items need fixed width (percentage or pixels) and flex-shrink: 0
  • Important: The items cannot have a border or padding; if you need such styles, nest another div inside the item and apply the styles to that nested div.
  • Animations can be added to elements within items, but not directly on items
.slider-container {
  display: flex;
  gap: 2rem;

.slider-item {
  width: 300px;
  flex-shrink: 0;

Scroll Animations

(gsapFeatures: ['scroll']) Enables scroll-driven animations and effects.

Sticky Navigation

  • Your nav element needs to have position: fixed set so it is sticky.
  • Use aa-nav="change" to add the class is-scrolled to the nav element when scrolling down and remove it when scrolling up. Combine with aa-scroll and pass a pixel value to set the scroll distance. Example: aa-scroll="100". Defaults to 100px.
  • Use aa-nav="hide" to create a sticky navigation bar that slides out of view when scrolling down and slides back in when scrolling up
    • Use aa-ease to set the easing. Defaults to back.inOut
    • Use aa-duration to set the duration. Defaults to 0.4s
    • Use aa-distance to set the distance multiplier that the nav element will move. Example: aa-distance="1.5".
  • Use aa-nav="hide-change" to combine both effects

Background Color Transitions

  • Use aa-animate="background" on the element you want to animate; optionally set aa-viewport and aa-duration
  • Use aa-parent-bg and aa-parent-text on child elements to change the parent's background and text colors when they scroll into view
  • Use aa-child-bg and aa-child-text to simultaneously change the child element's colors
  • Colors revert when scrolling back up
  • Example:
<div class="parent" aa-animate="background" aa-viewport="0.5" aa-duration="2.5">
  <div aa-parent-bg="#f0f0f0" aa-parent-text="#000">
    Changes parent background to light gray and text to black
    Changes parent to dark theme and self to red

Parallax Scrolling

  • Use aa-animate="parallax-40" on an image to create a parallax scroll effect
  • The number (40) represents the movement distance in pixels
  • Add direction with aa-animate="parallax-down-40" (moves down while scrolling) or parallax-up-40 (default, moves up)
  • Add half to end the parallax when the element reaches the middle of the page: parallax-down-half-40
  • Control smoothness with aa-scroll:
    • "smoother": Very lazy, smooth following (scrub: 5)
    • "smooth": Regular smooth following (scrub: 2)
    • "snap": Snaps to 20% increments
    • No value: Direct 1:1 following
  • If the parent element has overflow: hidden, the image will be scaled to fit the parent's height
<div style="height: 60vh; overflow: hidden">

Reveal & Appear Animations

  • Use aa-animate="reveal-..." for reveal animations that use a clip path to mask the content
  • Use aa-animate="appear-..." for appear animations that fade/slide in content
  • Optionally, add aa-scroll with the values smooth, snap, smoother or true to make the animation scroll-driven

Available animations:

  1. Reveal Animations (by animating a clip path)

    • reveal-up: Reveals content with clip path sliding up
    • reveal-down: Reveals content with clip path sliding down
    • reveal-left: Reveals content with clip path sliding left
    • reveal-right: Reveals content with clip path sliding right
    • reveal-center: Reveals content with clip path splitting from center in a circle shape
  2. Appear Animations (clean transitions)

    • appear: Simple fade in
    • appear-up: Fades in while sliding up
    • appear-down: Fades in while sliding down
    • appear-left: Fades in while sliding left
    • appear-right: Fades in while sliding right

Example usage:

<!-- Reveal animation -->
  <img src="image.jpg" aa-animate="reveal-up" aa-duration="1.2" aa-ease="power2.inOut">

<!-- Appear animation -->
<div aa-animate="appear" aa-scroll="smooth">
  Content fades while scrolling

Counter Animations

Animate a number from 0 to the value of the element (it needs to be a number and can include a comma or dot as thousand separator).

  • Use aa-animate="counter" to animate a number from 0 to the target number
  • Use aa-animate="counter-10" to animate a number from 10 to the target number
  • Optionally, add aa-scroll to make the animation scroll-driven

Hover Animations

The AlrdyAnimate library includes powerful hover animations using GSAP. These animations can be applied to elements by adding the aa-hover attribute.

Available Hover Animations

  1. Text Animations (aa-hover="text-...")
  • Animate text elements with sliding or fading effects.
  • Mark the text you want to animate with aa-hover-text.
  • Requires a wrapper element around the aa-hover-text that has position set to relative or absolute and overflow set to hidden.
  • Requires aa-split attribute to be set (e.g. aa-split="words"), optionally add aa-stagger
  • Available animations:
    • Text Sliding: text-slide-up, text-slide-down, text-slide-left, text-slide-right
    • Text Fading: text-fade-up, text-fade-down, text-fade-left, text-fade-right
      • For fading effects, the element with aa-hover should include padding to make room for the fade effect.
    • add -reverse to the animation type to play the animation in reverse when hovering out, e.g. aa-hover="text-slide-up-reverse".
  1. Background Circle Animation (aa-hover="bg-circle")
  • Expands a circle from the hover point.
  • Requires a circle SVG path in the background, tagged with aa-hover-bg.
  • Optionally, you can define the hover direction with aa-hover-direction (possible values: all, top, bottom, left, right, vertical, horizontal).
  1. Background Curve Animation (aa-hover="bg-curve")
  • Animates an SVG path to create a wave effect.
  • Requires an SVG path in the background, tagged with aa-hover-bg.
  • Optionally, you can define the hover direction with aa-hover-direction (possible values: all, top, bottom, left, right, vertical, horizontal).
  1. Background Expand Animation (aa-hover="bg-expand")
  • Expands a shape inside the elment to fill the element.
  • Requires a div nested inside the element, tagged with aa-hover-bg, that will expand to fill the element.
  • Optionally, you can add -reverse to aa-hover to play the animation in reverse when hovering out, e.g. aa-hover="bg-expand-reverse".
  • Optionally, you can add a tag with aa-hover-icon to animate an icon on hover (usually set on the svg element inside the embed; the embed div itself needs to be set to position: relative and overflow: hidden).
    • Optionally, you can define direction of the icon animation with aa-hover-direction on the aa-hover element (possible values: right, up-right, down-right).

For all hover animations, you can optionally add aa-hover-text-color or aa-hover-bg-color to any element inside the aa-hover element to animate the text or background color. The text elements will be positioned relative with z-index set to 1.

To set content above the background, add aa-hover-content to the respective element (or position it via CSS).

HTML Examples

<a class="button" href="#" aa-hover="bg-circle" aa-hover-direction="all" aa-duration="1">
  <div aa-hover-text>Circle button</div>
  <svg class="bg-filler" viewBox="0 0 1 1" preserveAspectRatio="xMidYMid slice" aa-hover-bg>
    <circle cx="0.5" cy="0.5" r="0" fill="currentColor"></circle>

<a class="button" href="#" aa-hover="bg-curve" aa-hover-direction="vertical" aa-duration="0.8">
  <div aa-hover-text>Vertical Only</div>
  <svg class="bg-filler" viewBox="0 0 100 100" preserveAspectRatio="none" aa-hover-bg>
    <path d="M 0 100 V 0 Q 250 0 500 0 V 0 H 0 z" fill="currentColor"></path>

Easing Functions

AlrdyAnimate supports a variety of easing functions for both CSS and GSAP animations. Here's a quick reference:

Standard Easings

  • linear: No easing, no acceleration
  • ease: Slight acceleration at the beginning, then deceleration (default CSS easing)
  • ease-in: Gradual acceleration from zero velocity
  • ease-out: Gradual deceleration to zero velocity
  • ease-in-out: Acceleration until halfway, then deceleration

Power Easings (GSAP style)

  •, power1.out, power1.inOut: Subtle easing (equivalent to Quad)
  •, power2.out, power2.inOut: Moderate easing (equivalent to Cubic)
  •, power3.out, power3.inOut: Strong easing (equivalent to Quart)
  •, power4.out, power4.inOut: More pronounced easing (equivalent to Quint)

Specific Named Easings

  •, back.out, back.inOut: Slightly overshoots, then returns
  •, circ.out, circ.inOut: Circular motion feel
  •, expo.out, expo.inOut: Exponential acceleration or deceleration
  •, sine.out, sine.inOut: Sinusoidal easing, smooth and gentle

Easing Suffixes

  • .in: Easing starts slowly and accelerates
  • .out: Easing starts quickly and decelerates
  • .inOut: Easing starts slowly, accelerates in the middle, then decelerates

Note: 'Elastic' and 'Bounce' easings are available when using GSAP but not for CSS animations.

Usage example:

<div aa-animate="fade-up" aa-ease="back.out">Animated content</div>

This will apply a fade-up animation with a 'back out' easing, which means it will slightly overshoot and then settle into place.

Setting attributes via JavaScript

If you'd like to set the same animation on a certain class or element, you can do so via JavaScript:

document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', function() {
  document.querySelectorAll('h1').forEach((element) => {       //or querySelectorAll('.my-class')
    if (!element.hasAttribute('aa-animate')) {
      element.setAttribute('aa-animate', 'text-tilt-up');
      element.setAttribute('aa-split', 'words.clip'); 
      element.setAttribute('aa-duration', '0.5');  
    easing: 'power1.out',
    again: true,
    useGSAP: true  

If you want a page refresh to always start from the top, you can add this script to the head tag, so it runs before the page loads:

if ('scrollRestoration' in history) {
  history.scrollRestoration = 'manual';
window.scrollTo(0, 0);


Contributions are welcome! Please fork the repository and submit pull requests for any improvements.


This project is licensed under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for details.

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