Just a function to create functions that always return the same value and some pre-existing functions that always return common JS primitives.
Rest of the the document & provided code examples assumes that library is installed (with yarn or npm) and imported as follows:
import always from "always.flow"
always(a) => (...args) => a
const one = always(1)
one() //? 1
one() //? 1
const array = [1, 2, 3, 4] //? [0, 0, 0, 0]
Primitive constants
always.True() //? true
always.False() //? false
always.Null() //? null
always.Void() //? undefined
Empty values
always.EmptyString //? ""
always.EmptyObject() //? Object.freeze({})
always.EmptyArray() //? Object.freeze([])
always.EmptyTable() //? Object.freeze(Object.create(null))
Note that empties are frozen that is to avoid someone mutating by mistake & making them non empty there after.
Also note that last two are polymorphic and there for would allow you to be used in place or arbitrary array / dictionary.
npm install always.flow