
1.0.13 • Public • Published

Amad Player

Amad Player is a customizable Vue.js component for creating audio and video players. It provides a simple and flexible player with basic controls such as play/pause, volume control, seek functionality, and full-screen mode for videos. This package is perfect for integrating audio and video players into your Vue.js applications.


Check out the live demo here: Demo Link.


To install Amad Player via npm:

npm i amad-player


Once installed, you can use the audio and video player components in your Vue.js app.

Importing the Player Component

import { AmadAudio, AmadVideo } from 'amad-player';

Import the AmadPlayer styles from 'amad-player/style.css'. For example:

@import 'amad-player/style.css';

Using Amad Audio

Add the AmadAudio component in your template

import { AmadAudio } from 'amad-player';

Using Amad Video

Add the AmadVideo component in your template

import { AmadVideo } from 'amad-player';


Props for Audio Player (AmadAudio)

Prop Type Default Description
file string null audio src (required)
autoPlay boolean false for autoplay audio
skip boolean true for skip buttons
preload string metadata preload
loop boolean false play audio in loop
title string null the title of the audio
bgColor string #333 background color
textColor string #fff text color
barColor string #d1d5db bar color
barSeekerColor string null bar seeker color
iconStyle string #333 icons color
spinnerColor string #fff loading spinner
showLoading boolean true display loading on load

Props for Video Player (AmadVideo)

Prop Type Default Description
file string null audio src (required)
poster string null poster or thumbnail
preload string metadata preload
autoPlay boolean false for autoplay audio
loop boolean false play audio in loop
title string null the title of the audio
skip boolean true for skip buttons
iconStyle string #333 icons color

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npm i amad-player

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64.4 kB

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  • amadism