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Analyzes an image for improvements on a webpage

Deeply inspired by

Promise example

const analyzeImage = require('analyze-image');
const browserData = {
    html: '<img srcset="image1.jpg 400w, image2.jpg 800w" sizes="50vw">'
    displayWidth: 300,
    displayHeight: 200,
    viewportWidth: 1200,
    viewportHeight: 800
const options = {
    // ...

const file = // An image file as a Buffer or a String (base64 encoded image or textual SVG image)
// Supported formats are jpg, png, webp, avif, gif, svg

analyzeImage(image, browserData, options)

    .then(function(result) {

    .catch(function(error) {

Async/await example

const analyzeImage = require('analyze-image');
const browserData = {
    html: '<img src="image.jpg">'
    displayWidth: 300,
    displayHeight: 200
const options = {
    // ...
const file = // An image file as a Buffer or a String (base64 encoded image or textual SVG image)

try {
    const result = await analyzeImage(image, browserData, options);

} catch(error) {

Browser data

Data name Type Default Description
html string html code for the img or picture element, can be retrived in JS with imageElement.outerHTML
displayWidth number number of "CSS pixels" the image is displayed on, can be retrieved in JS with imageElement.width
displayHeight number number of "CSS pixels" the image is displayed on, can be retrieved in jS with imageElement.height
viewportWidth number number of "CSS pixels" of the browser's window, can be retrieved in JS with window.innerWidth
viewportHeight number number of "CSS pixels" of the browser's window, can be retrieved in JS with window.innerHeight
dpr number 1 the browser's device pixel ratio, can be retrieved in JS with window.devicePixelRatio


Option name Type Default Description
jpegQuality number 85 quality used for JPEG recompression, integer 1-100
pngQuality number 90 quality used for PNG recompression, integer 1-100
webpQuality number 82 quality used for WebP recompression, integer 1-100
avifQuality number 64 quality used for AVIF recompression, integer 1-100
gifsicleLevel number 3 level of GIF compression effort sent to Gifsicle (1 is average but fast, 2 is medium, 3 is efficient but slow)

Result object

Result is an object with the following properties:

    // Contains various data extracted from the original image
    stats: {
        format: // [String] Name of the image format detected (`jpg`, `png`, `webp`, `avif`, `gif`, `svg`)
        mymeType: // [string] Official mime type of the image format (i.e. `image/jpeg`)
        fileSize: // [number] Number of bytes of the provided image
        width: // [number] Provided image's width in pixel
        height: // [number] Provided image's height in pixel
        displayRatio: // [number] Provided image's dimensions divided by the dimensions of the physical pixels the image is displayed on. The image is too large if > 1, too small if < 1
        displayDensity: // [number] Provided image's dimensions divided by the dimensions of the CSS pixels the image is displayed on. Basically, displayDensity = displayRatio x dpr
    // Contains the various transformations tested on the image
    transforms: {
        // Property only available if the image was successfuly optimized
        optimized: {
            fileSize: // [number] Weight in bytes of the original file
            newFileSize: // [number] Weight in bytes after optimization
            body: // [buffer] Optimized file
        // Property only available if resizing the image provides good results (requires `displayWidth` and `displayHeight` inputs)
        resized: {
            naturalWidth: // [number] Provided image's width in pixel
            naturalHeight: // [number] Provided image's height in pixel
            fileSize: // [number] Weight in bytes of the image before resizing. Using the optimized weight if available, because it makes no sense comparing rescaled+optimized vs unoptimized.
            newWidth: // [number] New file's width in pixel
            newHeight: // [number] New file's height in pixel
            dpr: // [numer] Screen density used to determine new dimensions
            newFileSize: // [number] Weight in bytes after resizing
            body: // [buffer] Resized file
        // Property only available if converting the image to WebP provides good results
        webpEncoded: {
            currentFormat: // [string] Type of the original file
            fileSize: // [number] Weight in bytes of the original file
            newFileSize: // [number] Weight in bytes after conversion
            body: // [buffer] WebP file
        // Property only available if converting the image to AVIF provides good results
        avifEncoded: {
            currentFormat: // [string] Type of the original file
            fileSize: // [number] Weight in bytes of the original file
            newFileSize: // [number] Weight in bytes after conversion
            body: // [buffer] AVIF file
    // Contains the various transformations tested on the image
    offenders: {
        // Appears only if the image could be significantly smaller with a better compression
        imageNotOptimized: {
            fileSize: // [number] Weight in bytes of the original file
            newFileSize: // [number] Weight in bytes after optimization
        // Appears only if the image could be significantly smaller when resized to fit tis display dimensions
        imageScaledDown: {
            naturalWidth: // [number] Provided image's width in pixel
            naturalHeight: // [number] Provided image's height in pixel
            fileSize: // [number] Weight in bytes of the image before resizing. Using the optimized weight if available, because it makes no sense comparing rescaled+optimized vs unoptimized.
            newWidth: // [number] New file's width in pixel
            newHeight: // [number] New file's height in pixel
            dpr: // [numer] Screen density used to determine new dimensions
            newFileSize: // [number] Weight in bytes after resizing
        // Appears only if the image density is >2.2 on a high density screen (>2.2 dpr)
        imageExcessiveDensity: {
            alreadyResized: // [boolean] If true, means that we are using the resized file as a reference, otherwise it is the optimized image or the original image
            referenceDensity: // [number] The density we are comparing from
            fileSize: // [number] Weight of the reference image
            recommendedMaxDensity: // [number] The density above which the human eye hardly sees a difference
            recommendedWidth: // [number] Corresponding dimensions in pixels
            recommendedHeight: // [number] Corresponding dimensions in pixels
            newFileSize: // [number] Weight in bytes after resizing

        // Appears only if the image could be significantly smaller if re-encoded in a new format (WebP or AVIF)
        imageOldFormat: {
            currentFormat: // [string] Type of the original file
            fileSize: // [number] Weight in bytes of the original file
            newFileSize: // [number] Weight in bytes of the best found format
            webpSize: // [number] Weight in bytes in WebP
            avifSize: // [number] Weight in bytes in AVIF
        // Appears only if the sizes parameter on a responsive image is more than 10% smaller or larger compared to the onscreen dimensions (only for images with a "w" srcset)
        imageWithIncorrectSizesParam: {
            sizesAttribute: // [string] The sizes attribute extracted from the HTML
            convertedInPx: // [number] The number of pixels calculated from the sizes attribute
            displayWidth: // [number] The number of pixels the image is displayed on (same as browserdata.displayWidth)
    generator: // [string] Name and version of the current tool (i.e. `analyze-image vX.X.X`)

Error codes

| 252 | the provided image is empty | | 253 | the provided image is not a valid image |

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