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2.0.1 • Public • Published


Slider built with Angular 10. Version 1.0.0 - with Angular 9.


Installation and use

To install package run npm i ang-slider.

Example of usage:

import { AngSliderComponent } from 'ang-slider';

  imports:      [],
  declarations: [ AppComponent, AngSliderComponent ],
  bootstrap:    [ AppComponent ]
export class AppModule { }

Parameters and events

Input parameters

Parameters Value type Example Description
config object object with configurations for slider
degree number degree on which slider must be rotated (from -90 to 90)
disabled boolean whether to disable slider
getTooltipLabel function function which gets value from slider as input and returns string which will be used as tooltip label
tickLabels string[] tick labels
value number value on slider

config interface:

interface Config {
  min?: number;
  max?: number;
  height?: number;
  width?: number;
  fillColor?: string;
  backgroundColor?: string;
  thumbWidth?: number;
  thumbHeight?: number;
  thumbType?: ThumbTypes;
  tooltipType?: TooltipTypes;
  enableTooltip?: boolean;
  enableTicks?: boolean;
  enableTickLabels?: boolean;
  tickNumber?: number;
  showTooltipOnSlide?: boolean;
  showBorderValues?: boolean;
  disabled?: boolean;
  ariaLabel?: string;

Default config:

  min: 0,
  max: 100,
  fillColor: 'rgb(2, 0, 97)',
  backgroundColor: 'rgb(181, 176, 255)',
  enableTooltip: true,
  tooltipType: TooltipTypes.Rect,
  thumbType: ThumbTypes.Rect,

Output events

change - is emitted on mouseup.

slide - is emitted on mousemove.

valueChange - is emitted in both cases.

You can use two-way data binding for value: [(value)]="someValue".

Setting styles

Styles can be set in config or using css classes (example below). Parameters in config are more important than css styles.

Example of setting colors of the fill and the thumb (but to apply this styles you need fillColor and backgroundColor in config to be empty rows):

ang-slider::ng-deep {
  .thumb {
    background-color: blue;
  .slider-fill {
    background-color: blue;

Available classes: slider, thumb, tootlip, tooltip-text, slider-fill, ticks-container, tick, labels-container, tick-label, disabled.


For custom thumb use styles and thumbType: 'custom'.

In case of angles 90 or -90 height of the slider is determined by width property .



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