4.0.91 • Public • Published

WebSockets Server and Client API for Node.js and the browser, with rooms support.

The goal of this project is to provide a developer friendly API that just works™.


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// server.js (node.js)

import Server from ''

class FancyChat {
	typing(socket, data, callback) {
		console.log('Im', data ? ' typing' : ' not typing')
	theMessage(socket, data, callback) {
		console.log('the message is', data, socket)
		socket.emit('gotIt', 'thanks')
		callback('yes Im sure')


class myConnection {
	connect(socket, request) {
		console.log('socket connected', socket)
	disconnect(socket, code, message) {
		console.log('socket disconnected', code, message, socket)


// index.js (browser)

import Client from ''

const socket = new Client('ws://localhost:3001')

socket.emit('typing', true)

setTimeout(() => {
	socket.emit('typing', false)
	socket.emit('theMessage', 'hi there!', data => {
		console.log('yep', data)
}, 5000)

socket.on('gotIt', message => {
	console.log('Server got it', message)

Server Documentation (Node.js)

Server.listen Options

name kind default description
hostname String undefined the hostname if any
port Number 3001 the port to use for this server
maxMessageSize Number 5 max size in mb of a message received
maxPostSize Number 50 max size in mb of a POST message
skipUTF8Validation Boolean false allows to skip utf8 validation
timeout Number 60000 time in milliseconds after a socket is considered gone, minimum value is 10000

Server Object

The server object can be accessed from everywhere

List of Server Object Properties

signature kind description
since Number timestamp of initialization
now Number timestamp that updates every half a second
port Number port used by this server
hostname String the hostname if any
maxMessageSize Number maximum message size in mb
maxPostSize Number maximum POST size in mb
timeout Number after how long the socket is considered gone, in ms
connections Number count of sockets connected
served Number count of sockets ever connected
bytesReceived Number sum of bytes the server has ever received
bytesSent Number sum of bytes sent by the server
messagesGarbage Number count of messages without a listener
messagesReceived Number count of messages ever received
messagesSent Number count of messages ever sent
messagesSentCacheHit Number count of messages ever sent that were cached
serverErrors Number count of server errors
socketErrors Number count of socket errors
events Object ref to events, ex: to dispatch typing to anyone listening to it
on(Class) Function attaches all methods of a Class as listeners
emit(key, [value]) Function emits to all connected sockets
once(key, [value]) Function emits to the sockets and replace if exists a pending message with the same key
broadcast(sender, key, [value]) Function emits to all connected sockets except sender
broadcastOnce(sender, key, [value]) Function emits to the sockets except sender and replace if exists a pending message with the same key
sockets Set a Set() with all the current connected sockets

Socket Object

The socket object is given to you by a listener

List of Socket Object Properties

signature kind description
server Object reference to the server
ip String ip of the socket
userAgent String user agent of the socket
params Object the params sent via the client constructor
since Number timestamp of first seen
seen Number timestamp of last received message
ping Number delay with the socket in milliseconds (full round trip)
timedout Boolean whether we lost connection with this socket
bytesSent Number sum of bytes sent to this socket
bytesReceived Number sum of bytes received from this socket
messagesSent Number count of messages sent to this socket
messagesReceived Number count of messages received from this socket
rooms Set a set with the rooms where this socket is in
emit(key, [value]) Function emits to client
once(key, [value]) Function replace if exists a pending message with the same key from emit queue
disconnect([noReconnect]) Function disconnects the socket from the server, pass true to prevent re-connections

Server Listeners

Listen to an event by creating a class with any name, and give to methods the name of the things you want to listen to. Then add the class to the listeners as Server.on(MyClass) and you are done.

On user defined listeners, the listener receives three things as sent by the client: socket, data and a callback; Example: class FancyChat { typing(socket, data, callback?) { console.log(socket, data) }}.

List of Predefined Server Events

There's a bunch of handy predefined events dispatched

signature description
listen() when the server is about to listen
connect(socket, request) when a socket connects
disconnect(socket, code, message) when a socket gets disconnected
ping(socket) when we got an update of the ping for a socket
timeout(socket, delay) when we are about to disconnect a timedout socket, gives the delay in milliseconds
garbage(socket, data) if the client sends a message that the server has no listener this will be dispatched
incoming(socket, messages) for debugging: ref to array of incoming messages received before dispatching to listeners
outgoing(socket, messages) for debugging: ref to array of outgoing messages before sending to socket

Client API (Browser)

Client Options

Arguments for the constructor

const socket = new Client({
	url: 'ws://localhost:3001',
	params: function () {
		return { fast: 'data', test: 'a space' }
	noConnect: true,

You may also do like this if you don't need any option

const socket = new Client('ws://localhost:3001')

Client API

The client API is similar to regular event handling

signature kind description
connected Boolean true when the socket is connected else false
connect() Function connects to the server, it auto-connects on disconnection
disconnect([noReconnect]) Function disconnects from the server, pass true to prevent re-connections
on(key, callback) Function listens for an event, returns an off function to stop listening
emit(key, [value, callback]) Function emits data to the server

List of Predefined Client Events

As in socket.on('connect', () => console.log('connect happened!'))

signature description
connect this happens only once when we connect to the server, any future connection is a reconnect
reconnect if we were connected at least once, then any re-connection will dispatch this event instead of connect
disconnect when we disconnect from the server


Via a Rooms list

  1. Create a room class that extends Room
  2. Create a room list that will allow joining sockets
  3. Join a socket in a room, a socket may join multiple rooms. Rooms are created when the id of the room doesn't exists, and deleted when there are no sockets in the room and the room doesn't have the flag persistent
  4. A socket will leave automatically all rooms on disconnection
  5. socket.rooms is a set with all the rooms the socket joined
  6. id is assigned to the room on creation
import { Room, Rooms } from ''

class GameRoom extends Room {
	persistent = false

	onCreate(socket) {
		console.log('creating room',, socket)
	onDelete(socket) {
		console.log('deleting room',, socket)

	onJoin(socket) {
		console.log('socket joined room',, socket) = this
		this.emit('user joined', 'data here')
	onLeave(socket) {
		console.log('socket left room',, socket) = undefined
		this.emit('user left', 'data here')

// games is a room list
const games = new Rooms(GameRoom)

class Connection {
	connect(socket) {
		games.join(socket, 'room id here') === 'room id here'
		games.leave(socket, 'room id here')

		games.join(socket, 'a different room') === 'a different room'
		games.leave(socket, 'a different room')


Rooms Class

Iterating returns the rooms

signature kind description
get(id) method gets room with such an id
join(socket, [id]) method adds socket to room id
leave(socket, [id]) method removes socket from room id
connections number number of sockets in this room list
sockets Iterator sockets in this room list
emit(key, [value]) method emits to all sockets in this room list
once(key, [value]) method emits once to all sockets in this room list
broadcast(socket, key, [value]) method emits to other sockets in this room list
broadcastOnce(socket, key, [value]) method emits once to other sockets in this room list
map(fn) method returns mapped array
filter(fn) method returns mapped filtered array

Via a Room

  1. Create a room instance that extends Room
  2. Join a socket in a room, a socket may join multiple rooms.
  3. A socket will leave automatically all rooms on disconnection
  4. socket.rooms is a set with all the rooms the socket joined
  5. Keep in mind that onCreate and onDelete are not dispatched when the room is manged by yourself. The construtor could be used for simulating onCreate and onDelete only you will know when to dispose such a variable.
import { Room } from ''

class Lobby extends Room {
	persistent = true
	id = 'lobby'
	onJoin(socket) {
		console.log('socket joined room',, socket)

// lobby is just 1 room
const lobby = new Lobby()

class Connection {
	connect(socket) {



Room Class

Iterating returns the sockets

signature kind description
onCreate(socket) method dispatched when the room is created
onDelete(socket) method dispatched when the room is deleted
onJoin(socket) method dispatched when a socket joins the room
onLeave(socket) method dispatched when a socket leaves the room
persistent boolean to not delete rooms when there are no sockets in
connections number number of sockets in the room
sockets Set sockets in the room
emit(key, [value]) method emits to all sockets in the room
once(key, [value]) method emits once to all sockets in the room
broadcast(socket, key, [value]) method emits to other sockets in the room
broadcastOnce(socket, key, [value]) method emits once to other sockets in the room
id any the room id
join(socket) method adds a socket to the room
leave(socket) method remves a socket from the room

sockets Object in Room and Rooms

Like Set but with two aditional methods

signature kind description
map(fn) method returns mapped array
filter(fn) method returns mapped filtered array



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  • titodp