To install or update run ```
bower install angular-farol-sdk#1.2.3 -S -F
### Using NPM
- To install run ```
npm install angular-farol-sdk
To update run ```
npm update angular-farol-sdk
## Develop
In order to develop the Farol Angular SDK for JavaScript we recommend that you first read the subsection based on the package manager you are using:
In order to debug use ```gulp debug``` task. Read more bellow in *building* section.
### Bower
Use ```bower link``` in the SDK project repository in order to store the link name and path in Bower.
On the project used to develop the library you can run ```bower link angular-farol-sdk``` and it will start using the development version from your SDK.
If you decide to rollback to the production version of the library you shall remember to run ```bower unlink angular-farol-sdk``` and run the installation step again.
### NPM
Use ```npm link``` in the SDK project repository in order to store the link name and path in NPM.
On the project used to develop the library you can run ```npm link angular-farol-sdk``` and it will start using the development version from your SDK.
## Build
We use gulp in order to build the Farol SDK for JavaScript. There are two different tasks that you can call from your terminal:
- ```gulp``` will build the production version
- ```gulp debug``` will build the debug version but will not uglify the code
## Publish
In order to release a new version you shall follow the steps bellow:
1. Make the desired changes;
2. If new files were added, update gulpfile.js file;
3. Update file;
4. Commit your changes;
5. Run the commands below:
- Run ```
npm version patch
FAROL_SDK_VERSION=$(npx -c 'echo "$npm_package_version"')
git commit -am"${FAROL_SDK_VERSION}"
git push && git push --tags