Angular Progress Bar
Angular progress bar is a component available from Angular 2, 4, 5, 6 and Ionic 2 and 3, and 4.
This component allow you to manage a progress visually
Online demo
You can find a demo at

Type the following command to install the package:
npm install angular-progress-bar@latest --save
Then you need to import it into your app modules
How to use
Classic way
By this way, progress property will be the value shown in the progress bar, and color property will be the color displayed
Color degraded way
By this way, progress property will be the value shown in the progress bar, but color-degraded property must be bined ton an object.
This object, must containes a key value made be a string that represent a percent, and the value must be an hexadecimal color
in the example show below, from 0 to 15 percent the color will be #00cbcb then from 16 to 25 percent the color will be #f9c3d3 and then from 25 to the end the color will be #fd8c8e