this library is for projects which want angular universal without zonejs. I comercially use angular without zonejs in CSR, and was searching a way to use universal the same way. I looked inside angular universal source and modify code a little.
this is the way.
- I hate zone.js it makes big app slowish and make difficult to read the errors stack trace.
- I gain better response time
- I can add splashscreen before the app is loading while ssr
in your server.ts update :
const zonelessEngine: ZonelessUniversalEngine = new ZonelessUniversalEngine();
server.get('*', async (req, res) => {
res.writeHead(200, { 'Content-Type': 'text/html; charset=UTF-8' });
const html: string = await zonelessEngine.render(
url: `http://${}${req.url}`,
bootstrap: appModule,
providers: [{ provide: APP_BASE_HREF, useValue: '/' }],
document: '<app-root></app-root>'
{ ngZone: 'noop' }
update app.server.module.ts
providers: [
{ provide: ZonelessAppIsReady, useClass: SsrAppReady },
{ provide: HttpHandler, useClass: SsrHttpNetworksStabler }
SsrAppReady : this is class which tell our server when the app is ready: if all http request is completed for example SsrHttpNetworksStabler : this is the class which interact with http request, something like http interceptor.
this is my classes:
@Injectable({ providedIn: 'root' })
export class SsrAppReady {
constructor(private _appReadyContainer: SrrAppReadyContainer, private _appReadyService: AppReadyService) {}
public isReady(): Observable<boolean> {
const start: number = new Date().getTime();
return combineLatest([
race(this._appReadyContainer.requestCounterUpdate$, timer(10).pipe(mapTo(null))).pipe(
map(() => this._appReadyContainer.requestCounter === 0),
tap((done: boolean) => {
if (done) {
console.log('request done in ', new Date().getTime() - start);
first(([requestsFinish, appIsReady]: [boolean, boolean]) => requestsFinish && appIsReady),
tap(() => console.log('app will be rendered', new Date().getTime() - start))
providedIn: 'root'
export class SrrAppReadyContainer {
public requestCounterUpdate$: Subject<void> = new Subject<void>();
public requestCounter: number = 0;
providedIn: 'root'
export class SsrHttpNetworksStabler {
constructor(private _backend: HttpBackend, private _appReadyContainer: SrrAppReadyContainer) {}
handle(req: HttpRequest<any>): Observable<HttpEvent<any>> {
console.log('should send request', req.url);
return this._backend.handle(req).pipe(
tap(() => {
console.log('request received OK', req.url);
catchError((err: unknown) => {
console.log('request received NOT OK');
return throwError(err);