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An opinionated configuration generator for your Angular 2 environment. Generates customizable Webpack 2, Karma and Tslint configurations.


npm install angular2-config-generator --save-dev


Create webpack.config.js.

'use strict';
module.exports = require('angular2-config-generator').webpack();

Create karma.conf.js.

'use strict';
module.exports = require('angular2-config-generator').karma(

Setup package.json scripts.

"scripts": {
  "start": "ng-start",
  "test": "ng-test"

After this the application can be run with npm start and will be available on http://localhost:3000.

An example application is inside the src directory and can be copied as is to try out the package.


The setup consists of 3 entry points. All bundling is done with Webpack 2. They have to be at the exact same location if you don't modify the config files.

  • src/app/main.ts for main application logic and bootstrapping
  • src/app/vendor.ts for vendor packages and common files
  • src/app/test.ts for running test files

All files under the src directory will be publicly available.

After every modification to the source files, the page will be reloaded with the newly generated files.

One configuration

The concept is to have one configuration file for Webpack and one for Karma. Behind the scenes it decides based on environment variable(process.env.NODE_ENV), NPM lifecycle event(process.env.npm_lifecycle_event) or given option(options.environment) which mode to run.

  • lifecycle == 'start' is development live-reload mode
  • lifecycle == 'test' is testing single-run mode
  • lifecycle == '*test*' is testing continuous-run mode
  • lifecycle == 'build' is production single-run mode
  • env|options.enviroment == 'development' is development live-reload mode
  • env|options.enviroment == 'test' && options.singleRun is testing single-run mode
  • env|options.enviroment == 'test' is testing continuous-run mode
  • env|options.enviroment == 'production' is production single-run mode


Typescript files are translated with awesome-typescript-loader. Inside components styleUrls and templateUrl will be inlined with angular2-template-loader. When using loadChildren inside routing, it will be moved to separate chunks with angular2-router-loader.

Inside the src/app directory .css files will be required as strings to work with angular2-template-loader. Outside this directory they will be moved to a single file(style.bundle.css) with extract-text-plugin. Currently only CSS files are supported for stylesheets. But if you want another format, just add it to modules.rules after the package generated the Webpack config.

Additional loaders are added for images and fonts to handle them inside stylesheets.


For test running Jasmine is used in combination with Karma + PhantomJS browser.

Tests can be run with the npm test command. It runs all files with *.spec.ts extension inside the src/app folder. The test setup is done in src/app/test.ts.

To run tests continuously add the following script: "scripts": { "test-watch": "ng-test --watch" }. It will speed up rebuilds and run the tests automatically after every change.


Linting is done with Tslint and Codelyzer rules. It is included as a pre-loader for Webpack.

Also an opinionated ruleset is exported based on tslint:recommended.

It's setup:

  "extends": "angular2-config-generator"


After adding "scripts": { "build": "ng-build" } and running it, the generated files will appear in the dist folder. These are minified and ready for deployment.

Github Pages deployment can be done with "scripts": { "deploy": "ng-deploy" }.

AOT support

It can be enabled with the --aot flag for both starting and building the application.

"scripts": { 
  "start": "ng-start --aot" 
  "deploy": "ng-deploy --aot" 

Instead of the original endpoint src/app/main.ts it starts from src/app/main.aot.ts.

Example projects

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  • blacksonic