TypeScript icon, indicating that this package has built-in type declarations

1.0.3 • Public • Published


This library contains a datatable component with built-in solutions for features including:

  • pagination
  • sorting
  • row selection (single/multi)
  • expandable rows
  • column resizing
  • selecting visible columns
  • accessibility support


Furthermore the component is based on Bootstrap v4.0 (CSS-only) and Font-Awesome v4.7, hence be sure to include them into your project. Most likely you need to install them as dependencies...

npm install bootstrap@4.0.0 font-awesome@4.7.0

... then you need to include the CSS bundles into .angular-cli.json file as show below.

  "apps": [
      "root": "src",
      "styles": [


npm install angular5-data-table


1.Import Datatable module

import { BrowserModule } from '@angular/platform-browser';
import { NgModule } from '@angular/core';
import { DataTableModule } from 'angular5-data-table';
  imports: [
  bootstrap: [AppComponent]
export class AppModule { }

2. Include <data-table> and <data-table-column> into your component's template.

<!-- my.component.template -->
 <data-table id="my-table"
    ... >


The component is highly configurable and customizable through many Inputs and Events.


  • title (string | default: '') table's name - it's highly recommend it's set for accessibility reasons as this will provide a better experience when interacting with the component, especially through a SR.
  • showTitle (boolean | default: true): if false, the title is not shown into the component. Useful when want the header component visible (with its Reload and Coulumn Selector buttons), but not the title.
  • items (JsonObject[] | default: []) table data to show.
  • itemCount (number | default: 0) items's count.
  • header (boolean | default: true) show/hide the table header sub-component - this holds the table name and two buttons (reload table and column selector).
  • pagination (boolean | default: ) enable pagination. If true, pagination controls are shown at the bottom of the table.
  • indexColumn (boolean | default: true) when true the table shows a 0-indexed column.
  • indexColumnHeader (string | default: '') text shown as column header for the index column.
  • selectColumn (boolean | default: false) when true the table shows a checkbox column for selecting specific row.
  • multiSelect (boolean | default: false) allows multi-row selection, showing a checkbox at select's column header.
  • labels (DataTableTranslations | default: defaultTranslations) interface holding all needed labels. You can pass a subset of the labels. The missing labels will be defaulted.
  • expandableRow (boolean | default: false) when true each row will have a collapsible content.
  • selectOnRowClick (boolean | default: false) when true each row is selectable via a single-click.
  • reload (function(): void | default: null) function that is invoked when the table needs to re-render its data. Note: most of the times this is the place where the developer connects to a server in order to pull down the item set.
  • autoReload (boolean | default: false) when true, the reload function gets invoked and init time (ngOnInit).
  • rowColors (function(): 'color | default: null) custom function that must return a CSS color that will be applied to the entire row.
  • rowTooltip (function | default: null) custom function to show a title tooltip when hovering the row.
  • showReloading (boolean | default: true) when true an overlay with a gear icon is shown on top of the table while it's reloading.
  • noDataMessage (string | default: '') message displayed when no item are displayed. If it's empty nothing is shown.
  • pageLimits (number[] | default: [10, 25, 50, 100, 250]) items per page selector options.
  • primaryColumn (string | default: first data column) it identifies which columns has be marked as primary. This is an important aspect from an accessibility and SR perspective. If not given, the first column will be the primary column.
  • page (number | default: 0) page to load, valid only if pagination is enabled.
  • limit (number | default: 10) number of items per page, valid only pagination is enabled. If limit value is not a valid (not contained into pageLimits array) it will be defaulted to pageLimits's first value.
  • sortBy (string | default: '') column table is sorted by.
  • sortAsc (boolean | default: true) valid only if sortBy is not defaulted. Defines the sorting order. If true sort is ascending, descending otherwise.


  • property (string | default: no default) item's JSONObject key used to retrieve the row cell content.
  • header (string | default: no default) column header text.
  • sortable (boolean | default: false) marks the columns as sortable.
  • resizable (boolean | default: false) marks the columns as resizable.
  • visible (boolean | default: true) marks the columns visible.
  • width (number | string | default: '') defines the column width. It can be a string like 2rem or a number. If it's a number, it will be considered as pixels.

Custom column templates

data-column's content and header are not restricted to be text only. They can hold more complex components. In order to do that developers can use two references: #dataTableHeader and #dataTableCell.

Usage and sample

    <ng-template #dataTableHeader let-item="item">
    <ng-template #dataTableCell let-item="item">
      <button (click)="carClicked(item)" class="btn btn-sm btn-default">Buy</button>

As it can be seen from the above snippet, the dataTableHeader and dataTableCell are targeting two <ng-template>s nodes which will be used respectively as column header and cell content. In both cases item refers to the whole row item, so developers can use whatever they may need.


The library is fully tested with NVDA and Mozilla Firefox. Other browsers or screen readers combination may be supported too. If developers use dataTableHeader and dataTableCell for getting displayed custom text, accessibility and SR support go out from the datatable component support range. That means that, although this component is fully accessible, in scenarios where column custom templates are used some accessibility checks may fail. It's hence developer's responsibility to fix any potential accessibility issue. See the demo's example for more info.




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  • brunano21