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1.0.0 • Public • Published

Ant Design Vue

An enterprise-class UI components based on Ant Design and Vue.

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English | 简体中文


  • An enterprise-class UI design system for desktop applications.
  • A set of high-quality Vue components out of the box.
  • Shared Ant Design of React design resources.

Environment Support

  • Modern browsers. v1.x support Internet Explorer 9+ (with polyfills)
  • Server-side Rendering
  • Support Vue 2 & Vue 3
  • Electron
IE / EdgeIE / Edge FirefoxFirefox ChromeChrome SafariSafari OperaOpera ElectronElectron
Edge last 2 versions last 2 versions last 2 versions last 2 versions last 2 versions

Using npm or yarn

We recommend using npm or yarn to install,it not only makes development easier,but also allow you to take advantage of the rich ecosystem of Javascript packages and tooling.

$ npm install ant-design-vue --save
$ yarn add ant-design-vue

If you are in a bad network environment,you can try other registries and tools like cnpm.



Project Description
vue-ref You can use the callback to get a reference like react
ant-design-vue-helper A vscode extension for ant-design-vue
vue-cli-plugin-ant-design Vue-cli 3 plugin to add ant-design-vue
vue-dash-event The library function, implemented in the DOM template, can use the custom event of the ant-design-vue component (camelCase)


ant-design-vue is an MIT-licensed open source project. In order to achieve better and sustainable development of the project, we expect to gain more backers. You can support us in any of the following ways:


Become a sponsor and get your logo on our README on Github with a link to your site. [Become a sponsor]


Support us with a monthly donation and help us continue our activities. [Become a backer]


Support us with a monthly donation and help us continue our activities. [Become a backer]

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51.6 MB

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  • zhangjiaqi11