
1.2.0 • Public • Published


import TableWithLoader from "antd-table-loader"
  loader={{ rows: 2, component: "Wait.." }} // Remove me to see the Skeleton effect
  columns={columns} // Your classic antd columns
  dataSource={data} // Your data (Now you don't care if it is null)

When the dataSource is null || undifined the table instead of showing No Data it renders the collumns and the data loading using Skeleton



Name Type Default Value Description
loader { rows: Number, component: React.Component } {rows: 10, component: <Skeleton loading active /> } The loader values

Table Props

All Classic props from antd are availble -- AntD Table

Name Type Default Value Description
bordered boolean false Whether to show the table border
columns ColumnProps[] - Column configuration for the table
dataSource Record<string, any>[] - Data source for the table
footer () => ReactNode - Render the table footer
loading boolean | { delay?: number } false Whether to show a loading indicator
locale object - Customized text strings for table components, such as filter, emptyText, etc. See Locale for available options
pagination TablePaginationConfig | false - Pagination configuration for the table
rowClassName (record: T, index: number) => string - Set the row's className
rowKey string | ((record: T, index: number) => React.Key) - Key property for each record in the dataSource
rowSelection TableRowSelection<T> - Configurations for row selection
scroll { x?: boolean | number | string | TableScrollConfig; y?: boolean | number | string | TableScrollConfig; } - Configurations for scrollable table
showHeader boolean true Whether to show the table header
size TableSize 'default' Size of the table
summary (data: T[]) => ReactNode - Render the summary row at the bottom of the table
sticky boolean | TableSticky - Configurations for sticky table headers and columns
tableLayout TableLayout - Specify the layout mode of the table
title () => ReactNode - Render the table title
toolbarRender (props: { columns: ColumnsType<T>; table: ComponentType<TableProps<T>>; }) => ReactNode - Customized toolbar render function
onChange (pagination: TablePaginationConfig, filters: Record<string, React.ReactText[] | null>, sorter: SorterResult<T> | SorterResult<T>[], extra: TableCurrentDataSource<T>) => void - Callback for table change events
onExpand (expanded: boolean, record: T) => void - Callback when expanding or collapsing a row
onHeaderRow (columns: ColumnsType<T>, index: number) => React.HTMLAttributes<HTMLElement> - Callback for the row attributes on the table header
onRow (record: T, index: number) => React.HTMLAttributes<HTMLElement> - Callback for the row attributes on each table row
onRowClick (record: T, index: number, event: Event) => void - Callback for row click event
onRowDoubleClick (record: T, index: number, event: Event) => void - Callback for row double click event
onRowMouseEnter (record: T, index: number, event: Event) => void - Callback for row mouse enter event
onRowMouseLeave (record: T, index: number, event: Event) => void - Callback for row mouse leave event
components { table?: any; header?: { wrapper?: any; row?: any; cell?: any; }; body?: { wrapper?: any; row?: any; cell?: any; }; } - Customized components for the table, header, body, etc.
expandIcon ((props: ExpandIconProps<T>) => ReactNode) | ReactNode - Customized expand icon for each row
expandIconColumnIndex number - The index of the column that contains the expand icon
expandable ExpandableConfig<T> - Configurations for row expandable
transformColumns (columns: ColumnsType<T>) => ColumnsType<T> - Callback to transform the columns before rendering
getPopupContainer (triggerNode: HTMLElement) => HTMLElement - Return the mount node for Popover and Dropdown to attach to.
indentSize number 15 Indent size for each level of nested rows
expandIconProps { expandIcon?: (props: ExpandIconProps<T>) => ReactNode; prefixCls?: string; expanded?: boolean; record?: T; onExpand?: (expanded: boolean, record: T) => void; } - Props for the expand icon component

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  • alexioslampouridis