Library provides pipeline element infrastructure for a cradle data pipeline
The pipeline component designed to provide a RabbitMQ subscriber and publisher
ecosystem around a transform()
function and should simplify implementation of
future Cradle components.
npm i --save apc-pipeline-component
// my-transform.ts
import { Action, IMessage, IResult } from 'apc-pipeline-component
export default function(input: IMessage): IResult {
const counter =; // Simple transform function that increments a counter
return {
action: Action.Forward,
target: '', // can specify an exchange topic name
message: {
kind: 'myKind',
data: {
counter: counter + 1
// start.ts
* Sub command to start a pipeline element with my-transform function
import configProvider from '@vamship/config';
import loggerProvider from '@vamship/logger';
import { PipelineElement } from 'apc-pipeline-component
import transform from '../lib/my-transform';
export const command = 'start';
export const describe = 'Run Pipeline Transform';
export const builder = {};
export const handler = (argv) => {
const config = configProvider.getConfig();
const logger = loggerProvider.getLogger('command:start');
logger.trace('config', { config });
const pipelineElement = new PipelineElement(transform, config);
return pipelineElement.start();
// .myProjectNamerc
"default": {
"app": {},
"log": {
"level": "trace",
"extremeLogging": false
"subscriber": {
"hostname": "localhost",
"port": "5672",
"username": "user",
"password": "password",
"exchangeName": "inputExchange",
"exchangeType": "topic",
"isExchangeDurable": "true",
"topicName": "myTopic",
"queueName": "inputQueue",
"isQueueDurable": "true",
"isQueueExclusive": "false"
"publisher": {
"hostname": "localhost",
"port": "5672",
"username": "user",
"password": "password",
"exchangeName": "outputExchange",
"exchangeType": "topic",
"isExchangeDurable": "true",
"queueName": "outputQueue",
"isQueueDurable": "true",
"isQueueExclusive": "false"
"development": {
"app": {}
"test": {
"app": {}
"production": {
"app": { },
"log": {
"level": "info",
"extremeLogging": true
Use Docker to spin up a RabbitMQ container:
docker run -d -p 5672:5672 -p 15672:15672 --rm --hostname my-rabbit --name some-rabbit rabbitmq:3-management
Launch your CLI application:
./working/src/bin/my-project.js start 2>&1
Open RabbitMQ management console in a web browser:
User: guest
. Password: guest
Use the management console to send a message input the input exchange and to receive the message on the output exchange.
Tip: you can find the rabbit connection again using the
docker ps
To ensure that your code works fine you will need to test it against running RabbitMQ instance.
NOTE: Due to an unresolved issue with the "gulp-eslint" plugin, the gulp lint
task is currently broken. Refer to IDE or
some other tooling for linting this project.
API documentation can be found [here](