Module that validates Blueprint files.
npm install api-blueprint-validator-module
Creating the validator
var blueprintValidator = require('api-blueprint-validator-module')
Blueprint Parse Warnings
The API Blueprint Validator can be configured to ignore warnings or to fail on them.
Validation Callback
The validation expects a callback function such as:
function (success, validationResults)
success indicates whether the validation has succeed
validationResults is an object containing the used data, errors and warnings:
data: '',
errors: [],
warnings: []
File validation
THe blueprint validator can be used to validate a single file or a collection of files. It uses a glob expression to locate files to be validated.
blueprintValidator.parseAndValidateFiles(<<glob expression>>, failOnWarnings, function(success, validationResult))
String validation
String data can also be validated. It is useful when you have the blueprint content available within your process.
blueprintValidator.parseAndValidateFiles(blueprintData, failOnWarnings, function(success, validationResult))
This module uses Drafter.js, which is pre-release from version 1.1.0.
If you want don't want to use Drafter.js you can use version 1.0.x, which uses Protagonist instead.