This project is a test for css-chain.
ApiChain and CssChain JS. Collection API inherits the element API and Array.
returns an Array inherited object which has all methods and properties of its elements.
When method is called, each element would invoke this method and then same CssChain object is returned.
function addTooltip( el ){ ...el.title }
CssChain( '*[title]' ).forEach( el=>addTooltip( el ) ).forEach( addTooltip ).removeAttribute('title');
^^ calls addTiooltip()
twice for each element with title
attribute and then removes this attribute
CssChain( '*[title]', rootEL ).addEventListener( 'click', ev=> alert( );
^^ adds event listener to all selected elements in rootEl
DOM tree
CssChain( 'a' )
.addEventListener( 'mouseover', ev=> alert('hovered') )
.addEventListener( 'mouseleave', ev=> alert('hovered') )
.addEventListener( 'focus', ev=> alert('focused') )
.addEventListener( 'mouseleave', ev=> alert('focused') )
^^ adds multiple event handlers in chainable dot notation.
- same as Array.forEach returns CssChain -
- same as returns new CssChain with elements from callback -
- same as Array.push returns appended CssChain -
- selects 1st element, returns CssChain -
- selects all children matchingcss
, returns CssChain -
(alias forgetAttribute
) returns 1st element attribute value orundefined
for empty collection -
attr(name, value)
(alias forsetAttribute
) sets elements attribute, returns CssChain -
returns 1st element property value orundefined
for empty collection -
prop(name, value)
sets elements attribute, returns CssChain
When property is assigned to collection, this property would be set for all elements in collection. The property get would return property from 1st element.
import { CssChain as $ } from '../src/CssChain.js';
$( 'input' ).value = 'not defined'; // all INPUT elements would have new value set
v = $( 'input' ).prop( value,'not defined' ); // same as ^^
let v = $( 'input' ).value; // variable would receive the 1st INPUT element value
v = $( 'input' ).prop( value ); // same as ^^
$$([ {a:1},{a:2} ]).a=1; // all arr elements property `a` set to 1
v = $$([ {a:1},{a:2} ]).a; // 1st element property `a` is returned, i.e. 1
$$( [ { a:1,f(v){ this.a=v} }}, { b:2,f(v){ this.b=v}} ])
.f(3); // method called on each element, result [{a:3},{b:3}]
Could be initiated in same fashion as raw objects. But for performance better to provide the reference object as a second parameter:
Class A{ f(){} }
$$( [new A(), new A()], A).f()
for development of css-chain
or css-chain-test
git clone
git clone
cd css-chain
npm i
npm link
cd ../css-chain-test
npm i
npm link css-chain
<script type="module">
import 'api-chain/css-chain-element.js';
To execute a single test run:
npm run test
To run the tests in interactive watch mode in browser:
npm run test:watch
To run a local instance of Storybook for your component, run
npm run storybook
To build a production version of Storybook, run
npm run storybook:build
For most of the tools, the configuration is in the package.json
to minimize the amount of files in your project.
If you customize the configuration a lot, you can consider moving them to individual files.
npm start
To run a local development server that serves the basic demo located in demo/index.html