
1.0.1 • Public • Published

Population IO API Javascript

Simple universal Javascript Wrapper around Population.IO API


$ yarn add api-population-io

$ npm install --save api-population-io


Import the module in your code

import populationIO from 'api-population-io';
const populationIO = require('api-population-io');

Then, use the module to perform your request to PopulationIO API

You can either use promises..

  sex: 'male',
  country: 'United Kingdom',
  dob: '1970-01-01'
  .then((data) => {
    console.log('total_life_expectancy:', data.total_life_expectancy);
  .catch((err) => {

.. or callbacks, by passing the function as the second parameter

  sex: 'male',
  country: 'United Kingdom',
  dob: '1970-01-01'
}, (err, data) => {
  if (err) {
  } else {
    console.log('total_life_expectancy:', data.total_life_expectancy);

API methods


Returns a list of all countries in the statistical dataset




These are also the valid input values to the various 'country' parameters across the remaining API.

Word Population Rank

The world population rank is defined as the position of someone's birthday among the group of living people of the same sex and country of origin, ordered by date of birth decreasing. The last person born is assigned rank #1.


Calculates the world population rank of a person with the given date of birth, sex and country of origin as of today


populationIO.wpRank.today(data, [callback])

Requires a data object as the first parameter with the following properties:

  • dob - type string:date - the subject's date of birth
  • sex - type string - the subject's sex
  • country - type string - the subject's country of birth (World for all)

On Date

Calculates the world population rank of a person with the given date of birth, sex and country of origin on a certain date


populationIO.wpRank.onDate(data, [callback])

Requires a data object as the first parameter with the following properties:

  • dob - type string:date - the subject's date of birth
  • sex - type string - the subject's sex
  • country - type string - the subject's country of birth (World for all)
  • date - type string:date - the date to calculate the rank for

When Aged

Calculates the world population rank of a person with the given date of birth, sex and country of origin on a certain date as expressed by the person's age.


populationIO.wpRank.whenAged(data, [callback])

Requires a data object as the first parameter with the following properties:

  • dob - type string:date - the subject's date of birth
  • sex - type string - the subject's sex
  • country - type string - the subject's country of birth (World for all)
  • age - type string:offset - the given age


Calculates the world population rank of a person with the given date of birth, sex and country of origin on a certain date as expressed by an offset towards the past from today


populationIO.wpRank.ago(data, [callback])

Requires a data object as the first parameter with the following properties:

  • dob - type string:date - the subject's date of birth
  • sex - type string - the subject's sex
  • country - type string - the subject's country of birth (World for all)
  • offset - type string:offset - how much time back in the past to calculate the rank for


Calculates the world population rank of a person with the given date of birth, sex and country of origin on a certain date as expressed by an offset towards the future from today


populationIO.wpRank.in(data, [callback])

Requires a data object as the first parameter with the following properties:

  • dob - type string:date - the subject's date of birth
  • sex - type string - the subject's sex
  • country - type string - the subject's country of birth (World for all)
  • offset - type string:offset - how much time in the future to calculate the rank for


Calculates the day on which a person with the given date of birth, sex and country of origin has reached (or will reach) a certain world population rank.


populationIO.wpRank.whenRanked(data, [callback])

Requires a data object as the first parameter with the following properties:

  • dob - type string:date - the subject's date of birth
  • sex - type string - the subject's sex
  • country - type string - the subject's country of birth (World for all)
  • rank - type int - the rank to calculate the date for

Life Expectancy


Calculate remaining life expectancy of a person with given sex, country, and age at a given point in time.


populationIO.lifeExpectancy.remaining(data, [callback])

Requires a data object as the first parameter with the following properties:

  • sex - type string - the subject's sex
  • country - type string - the subject's country of birth (World for all)
  • date - type string:date - the point in time to calculate the remaining life expectancy at
  • age - type string:offset - the subject's age at the given point in time


Calculate total life expectancy of a person with given sex, country, and date of birth


populationIO.lifeExpectancy.total(data, [callback])

Requires a data object as the first parameter with the following properties:

  • sex - type string - the subject's sex
  • country - type string - the subject's country of birth (World for all)
  • dob - type string:date - the subject's date of birth


By Age and Year

Retrieve population table for all countries and a specific age group in the given year


populationIO.population.byAgeAndYear(data, [callback])

Requires a data object as the first parameter with the following properties:

  • age - type int - the age to retrieve the population table for
  • year - type int - the year to retrieve the population table for

By Age and Year and Country

Retrieve population table for a specific age group in the given year and country


populationIO.population.byAgeAndYearAndCountry(data, [callback])

Requires a data object as the first parameter with the following properties:

  • age - type int - the age to retrieve the population table for
  • year - type int - the year to retrieve the population table for
  • country - type string - the country to retrieve the population table for

By Year and Country

Retrieve population table for all countries and a specific age group in the given year


populationIO.population.byYearAndCountry(data, [callback])

Requires a data object as the first parameter with the following properties:

  • year - type int - the year to retrieve the population table for
  • country - type string - the country to retrieve the population table for

By Age and Country

Retrieve population tables for a specific age group in the given country


populationIO.population.byAgeAndCountry(data, [callback])

Requires a data object as the first parameter with the following properties:

  • age - type int - the age to retrieve the population table for
  • country - type string - the country to retrieve the population table for

By Country and Date

Determines total population for a given country on a given date


populationIO.population.byCountryAndDate(data, [callback])

Requires a data object as the first parameter with the following properties:

  • country - type string - the country to retrieve the population table for
  • date - type string:date - the date to determine the total population for

Today and Tomorrow

Determines total population for a given country with separate results for today and tomorrow


populationIO.population.todayAndTomorrow(data, [callback])

Requires a data object as the first parameter with the following properties:

  • country - type string - the country to retrieve the population table for

Mortality Distribution


Retrieves the mortality distribution tables for the given country, sex and age

populationIO.mortalityDistribution.today(data, [callback])

Requires a data object as the first parameter with the following properties:

  • country - type string - the country to retrieve the distribution for
  • sex - type string - the sex to retrieve the distribution for
  • age - type string:offset - the age to retrieve the population table for


See something that could be improved ? Open an issue or contribute !

  • Fork it
  • Create your feature branch
  • Commit your changes and push them to your branch
  • Create a new Pull Request






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  • rizzen