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API Response Format Package

The API Response Format Package is a Node.js package that provides a standardized format for API responses. This package can be used to simplify the process of returning consistent and structured responses from API endpoints. Features.

  • Standardized response format for API endpoints
  • Customizable response fields and error messages
  • Easy integration with existing Node.js projects
  • Well-documented API and code


To install the API Response Format Package, simply run the following command:

npm install api-response-format


Using the API Response Format Package is straightforward. Simply import the package in your Node.js project and use the response function to return a standardized response from your API endpoints.

In the example, the response.invalidCredentials function is used to return a invalid credentials response. The response.dataFound function is used to return data response with success response code.

import { Response } from "api-response-format";
import express from 'express';
const app = express();
const port = 3000;

app.listen(port, () => console.log(`App listening on port ${port}!`))

app.get('/my-route', (req, res) => {
    let data = "Response Data Sample";

The API Response Format Package also provides a different response methods for returning responses when the client sends an invalid, unauthorized request to the API endpoint.

Available Methods
Methods Description Response Format Parameters
badRequest Function: Bad request return { status: 400, success: false, obj } obj: required, that can be anything such as message or data object
customMessage Function: Send custom message return { status: 409, success: false, msg } msg: required
logoutSuccess Function: When user logged out sucessfully. return {status: 200,success: true, message: 'You have been logged out successfully'} msg: required, defaultValue: 'You have been logged out successfully'
unauthrized Function: Unauthrized Access return { status: 401, success: false, message: 'User is not authorized for this operation' } msg: required, defaultValue: 'User is not authorized for this operation'
loginSuccess Function: Successful Login return { status: 200, success: true, message: 'You have been loggedIn successfully', data } data: required
accessTokenUpdated Function: Successful updation of Access Token return { status: 200, success: true, message: 'Access Token Update successfully', data } data: required
dataEncrypted Function: Encrypt Data Successfully return { status: 200, success: true, message: 'User Data Encrypt successfully' } NA
dataSync Function: Data Sync Successfully return { status: 200, success: true, message: 'Data Sync successfully' } NA
dataNotFound Function: Data Not Found return { status: 404, success: false, message: 'No record(s) found', data } data: optional
dataFound Function: Sucess or Data found return { status: 200, success: true, message: 'Success', data } data: optional
dataFoundWithPagination Function: Success or Data found with pagination parameters return { status: 200, success: true, message: 'Success', data: { list: data, totalPages, limit: parseInt(limit), totalRecords, currentPage } } data, totalPages, limit, totalRecords, currentPage
notExists Function: Data does not exists return { status: 409, success: false, message: '${name} doesn't exits' } name: required
dataAlreadyExists Function: Data already exists with provided request return { status: 409, success: false, message: '${name} already exits with provided ${data}' } name: required, data: requied
intervalServerError Function: Server error return { status, success: false, message } msg: optional (defaultValue: 'Something went wrong, please try again'), statusCode: optional (defaultValue: 500)
documentUpdated Function: Document updated successfully return { status: 200, success: true, message: 'Documents has been updated successfully' } NA
dataCreated Function: Data Created Successfully return { status: 201, success: true, message: '${name} has been created successfully', data } name: required, data: required
dataNotCreated Function: There was an error while creating data return { status: 500, success: false, message: 'Something went wrong while creating ${name}' } name: required
dataUpdated Function: Data has been updated successfully return { status: 200, success: true, message: '${name} has been updated successfully', data } name: required, data: required
dataNotUpdated Function: There was an error while updating data return { status: 500, success: false, message: 'Something went wrong while updating ${name}'} name: required
dataDeleted Function: Data has been deleted successfully return { status: 200, success: true, message: '${name} has been deleted successfully'} name: required
dataNotDeleted Function: There was an error deleting the record return { status: 500, success: false, message: 'Something went wrong while deleting ${name}'} name: required


The API Response Format Package is open-source software licensed under the MIT License.

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  • priteymehta