
0.3.6 • Public • Published


APIBase is an absurdly easy way to expose an API in NodeJS and communicate with it all through Firebase. APIBase takes care of the technical details like queueing and leaves you with a simple API to build your API on.

Basic Usage

To begin, you must enable Anonymous Login on your Firebase. Then install the security rules which are specified in rules.json.

Create a server.js file which will be run in Node.

var apibase = require('apibase')("<Your Firebase>/apibase");
// If you're using the recommended APIBase security rules
// Your server must authenticate with your Firebase Secret.
// Any methods you put on apibase will be exposed publically via your API
apibase.hello = function (name) {   
    return 'Hello ' + name;
// API methods are passed a `done` method which can be used in place of "return"
apibase.rest = function (time, done) {
    setTimeout(function () {
        done("Coming from a promise!");
    }, time);

Create a client.js file which can be included on your webpage (or ran in Node as well).

var apibase = new APIBase("<Your Firebase>/apibase");
apibase.retrieve().then(function(API) {
    API.hello("Abe").then(function (result) {
    }, function (err) {
    API.rest(1000).then(function (result) {

Then, run node server.js and open your client.js file in a browser and you're done!

Using a Context

APIBase supports use of a context which is passed to your API methods when they are invoked server-side as this.ctx. A context is an object which can contain arbitrary data which is required for most method calls (like a session token).

A client specifies a new context with APIBase.context.

    name: "Abe"
apibase.get("greet")().then(function (greeting) {
    console.log(greeting); // Logs "Hello Abe"

Using context on the server simply requires reading a field from this.ctx.

apibase.greet = function () {
    return "Hello " + this.ctx.name;
// Calling publish allows clients to connect to your API

The context will be sent will every method call until a different context is specified.

Using Blind Methods

Although it is generally easier to use retrieve() to fetch an object with all known API methods, you can alternatively user blind calls to API methods. Blind calls run the risk of silently failing if the server is not aware of the method being accessed. However, they can be slightly faster if your API consists of hundreds or thousands of methods which would be slow to sync to the client.

var hello = apibase.get('hello');
hello("Blind Fish").then(function (result) {


APIBase requires all requests to be made by an authenticated user with a unique uid field in their token data. There are several options availible which allow you to integrate APIBase's authentication with any existing Firebase app.

Option 0: Using Anonymous Login (Default)

APIBase makes use of Firebase's powerful Anonymous Login to ensure that requests are secure even when a user is not logged in. By default, every request made from the APIBase client will be authenticated and secured via this method, unless another authentication system is required by your app.

Option 1: Calling APIBase.auth (Custom Login)

An APIBase instance provides an auth method which takes a valid Firebase Auth token. When auth is called, APIBase will unauth any existing authentication on the Firebase (from, for example, Simple Login) then authenticate with the new token. This method is great if you're using a custom authentication system where your clients retrieve the tokens and would normally just call FirebaseRef.auth.

Option 2: Calling APIBase.setUserData (Simple Login)

If you're user is already logged in via Simple Login or another method, it can be difficult to retrieve the current authenication token which would be needed by APIBase.auth. Alternatively, you can call setUserData with a user object. APIBase will assume that the uid field on the user object will be the same as the UID which your Firebase is currently authenticated with.

Here is an example integration of APIBase with Firebase Simple Login.

var URL = 'https://<YOUR-FIREBASE>.firebaseio.com';
var ref = new Firebase(URL);
var apibase = new APIBase(ref.child('api'));
var auth = new FirebaseSimpleLogin(ref, function(error, user) {
  if (error) {
    // an error occurred while attempting login
  } else if (user) {
    // user authenticated with Firebase
    console.log('User ID: ' + user.uid + ', Provider: ' + user.provider);
    // Tell APIBase that our user data has changed
  } else {
    // user is logged out


APIBase should significantly out perform HTTP in most situations, but it especially shines when you are making several requests from the same client (for example, in a Single Page App).

Included is a hacked up comparison between Express and APIBase which both implement a hello_world method which simply returns "Hello World" to the client. As I suspected, APIBase dramatically out performs HTTP in this test. This test makes 10000 requests to the hello_world endpoint and my experiences show APIBase being over 3x faster than HTTP.

Express (for 10000 requests)


APIBase (for 10000 requests)


This test is by no means conclusive, but it does show that APIBase can easily out perform a simple Express endpoint.


Development of this library is sponsored by Rigidflame Consulting.

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