Apigee-apim is a NPM tool can be used to integrate CICD development for all Apigee implementations:
- Apigee Edge
- Apigee X
- Apigee Hybrid
:info: Apigee X/Hybrid users: keep an eye out for small differences in implementation when using these forms of Apigee.
Run the following commands to install:
npm install apigee-apim -g
Set environment variables (powershell)
The following repository setup is recommended:
- apiproxy
- config.yaml
In order to extend for different environments:
- apiproxy
- config
- env1.yaml
- env2.yaml
- env3.yaml
There is a list of parameters that can be added as options to the commands that are implemented by this tool.
Flag | Argument | Shorthand | Required | Description |
--org |
<organization (string) |
-o |
✔️ | The Apigee target organization |
--environment |
<env> (string) |
-e |
The Apigee target environment | |
--version |
<version> (string) |
-v |
--hybrid |
<accessToken> (string) |
-h |
Option to change format for Hybrid. Expects valid GCP auth token | |
--baseuri <baseuri> |
<baseure> (string) |
-L |
Option to overwrite baseUri | |
--token <accessToken> |
-t |
The main reason to use the tool is to manipulate the contents of the Apigee management plane. This management plane is either self-managed or managed by Apigee/Google depending on the version of Apigee.
This tool uses a configuration file (.yaml) to pass the additional information to the Apigee API. You can extend the usage of the config file to hold variables used by development process of your choice (e.g.: Extend yaml with variables to be read by CICD)
Default components needed by this tool are:
# template of supported configuration
# indentation using spaces
# product configuration
- name: product1
description: |
this is an apigee product named product1
- dev
- proxy-A
- proxy-B
# key value map configuration
encrypted: true
key1: "{env-variable}"
key2: "{env-variable2}"
key3: "plain-variable"
# target server configuration
- name: target1
host: target1.com
- name: target2
host: target2.com
port: 8080
- name: target3
host: target3.com
clientAuthEnabled: true
keyStore: target3-keystore
trustStore: target3-truststore
keyAlias: target3-key
Product are defined on the organization level
apigee-apim products products.yaml --org <org>
apigee-apim listAPIProducts --org <org>
KVMs can be deployed on the organization and environment level.
⚠️ If you are using Hybrid/X: It is no longer possible to add entries to KVMs outside of the message processor. Meaning that a KVM Admin Proxy has to be implemented to add values to a KVM.
apigee-apim kvms kvms.yaml --org <org> --env test
KVM configuration:
key2: "{environmentvariable}"
key3: "{environmentvariable2}"
key4: "plain-variable"
Encrypted KVM configuration:
encrypted: true
key2: "{environmentvariable}"
key3: "{environmentvariable2}"
key4: "plain-variable"
apigee-apim targetservers targetServers.yaml --org <org> --env test
- name: google
host: google2.com
- name: google1
host: google1.com
port: 8080
- name: google2
host: google2.com
clientAuthEnabled: true
keyStore: google-keystore
trustStore: google-truststore
keyAlias: google-key
apigee-apim caches caches.yaml --org <org> --env test
- name: cache-1
description: cache-1
valuesNull: true/false
timeoutInSec: {sec}
timeOfDay: {hh:mm:ss:}
expiryDate: {mm-dd-yyy}
overflowToDisk: true/false
skipCacheIfElementSizeInKBExceeds: {num_elements}
apigee-apim resourcefiles resourcefiles.yaml --org <org> --env test
type: "properties"
filename: "test.properties"
Call this from the directory above 'apiproxy' or specify a different directory using --directory -d
apigee-apim deploy -n <apiName> --org <org> --env <env>
apigee-apim deployExistingRevision -n <apiName> -r <rev> --org <org> --env <env>
apigee-apim listDeployedRevision -n <apiName> --org <org> --env <env>
This functionality is in alpha release and is only available for orgs that have this enabled.
apigee-apim deploySpec -s <spec> -a <apiproduct> -p <portal> --org <org> --env <env>
Call this from command line when globally installed to upsert a custom attribute
apigee-apim updateCustomAttribute --org <org> --dev <developer> --app <appName> --attributeName <attributeName> --attributeValue <attributeValue>
Call this from command line when globally installed and insert a spec.json/yml. This will create an apiproxy folder and the content inside.
apigee-apim mockProxy spec.json --org <org>