
0.7.8 • Public • Published


apiNG-plugin-codebird is a Twitter REST API plugin for apiNG.

npm version Bower version



    1. Get file
    2. Include file
    3. Add dependency
    4. Add plugin
    1. Generate your bearer_token
    2. Insert your bearer_token into aping-config.js
  3. USAGE
    1. Models
    2. Requests
    3. Rate limit


I. Get file

Install via either bower, npm, CDN (jsDelivr) or downloaded files:

II. Include file

Include aping-plugin-codebird.min.js in your apiNG application

<!-- when using bower -->
<script src="bower_components/apiNG-plugin-codebird/dist/aping-plugin-codebird.min.js"></script>
<!-- when using npm -->
<script src="node_modules/aping-plugin-codebird/dist/aping-plugin-codebird.min.js"></script>
<!-- when using cdn file -->
<script src="//cdn.jsdelivr.net/aping.plugin-codebird/latest/aping-plugin-codebird.min.js"></script>
<!-- when using downloaded files -->
<script src="aping-plugin-codebird.min.js"></script>

III. Add dependency

Add the module jtt_aping_codebird as a dependency to your app module:

angular.module('app', ['jtt_aping', 'jtt_aping_codebird']);

IV. Add the plugin

Add the plugin's directive aping-codebird="[]" to your apiNG directive and configure your requests



I. Generate your bearer_token

  1. Login on dev.twitter.com
  2. Navigate to apps.twitter.com
  3. Get your bearer_token

II. Insert your bearer_token into aping-config.js

Create and open js/apiNG/aping-config.js in your application folder. It should be look like this snippet:

angular.module('jtt_aping').config(['$provide', function ($provide) {
    $provide.value("apingDefaultSettings", {
        apingApiKeys : {
            twitter: [

⚠️ Replace <YOUR_TWITTER_BEARER_TOKEN> with your twitter bearer_token


I. Models

Supported apiNG models

model content support max items
per request
(native) default items
per request
social recent tweets, videos, images full 100 15
image recent images partly 100 15


  • full: the source platform provides a full list with usable results
  • partly: the source platfrom provides just partly usable results

II. Requests

Every apiNG plugin expects an array of requests as html attribute.

Requests by User

parameter sample default description optional
user jquery The twitter screen name of the user for whom to return results for no
items 20 15 Items per request (0-100) yes
showAvatar true false Use true for show users avatar as image if post has no own image yes
exclude_replies true false This parameter will prevent replies from appearing in the returned timeline. Using exclude_replies with the items parameter will mean you will receive up-to count tweets — this is because the items parameter retrieves that many tweets before filtering out retweets and replies. yes
include_rts false true When set to false, the timeline will strip any native retweets (though they will still count toward both the maximal length of the timeline and the slice selected by the count parameter). yes

Sample requests:

  • [{'user':'johnnyzeitlos'}, {'user':'jowe'}, {'user':'angularui'}]
  • [{'user':'AngularAir', 'items':10, 'showAvatar':'true', 'exclude_replies':true}]

Requests by Search

parameter sample default description optional
search jquery Searchterm. A UTF-8, URL-encoded search query of 500 characters maximum, including operators. Queries may additionally be limited by complexity. no
items 20 15 Items per request (0-100) yes
showAvatar true false Use true for show users avatar as image if post has no own image yes
result_type recent mixed mixed include both popular and real time results in the response
recent return only the most recent results in the response
popular return only the most popular results in the response
lat -13.163333 Returns tweets by users located within a given radius of the given latitude/longitude yes
lng -72.545556 Returns tweets by users located within a given radius of the given latitude/longitude yes
distance 5 1 Returns tweets by users located within a given radius in kilometers of the given latitude/longitude yes
language de Restricts tweets to the given language, given by an ISO 639-1 code yes

Sample requests:

  • [{'search':'#eagles', 'result_type':'recent'}, {'search':'Thomas Müller', 'result_type':'popular'}]
  • [{'search':'machu picchu', 'lat':'-13.163333', 'lng':'-72.545556', 'distance':5}]

III. Rate limit

Visit the official Twitter REST API rate limit documentations



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  • johnnythetank