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2.0.8 • Public • Published

APKMD //APK Mirror Downloader

APKMD is a CLI tool that allows you to download APKs from Apkmirror. This repo also provides a npm package apkmirror-downloader that allows you to download APKs from APKMirror programatically.

🚀 Install

Using npm

npm install apkmirror-downloader

Using bun

bun add apkmirror-downloader

Or use any other package manager like yarn or pnpm

📃 Usage

import { APKMirrorDownloader } from "apkmirror-downloader";

const apkmd = new APKMirrorDownloader(
  { outDir: "./downloads" } // <-- 🟠 APKMDOptions (optional)

  { org: "google-inc", repo: "youtube" }, // <-- App (required)
  { type: "apk" } // <-- 🟣 AppOptions (optional), will be merged with APKMDOptions

// OR

APKMirrorDownloader.download({ org: "google-inc", repo: "youtube" });

🟠 APKMDOptions Interface

  • arch: Optional. The architecture of the application. For example, arm64-v8a, armeabi-v7a, etc.
  • dpi: Optional. The screen density of the application. For example, 240dpi, 320dpi, 480dpi, etc.
  • minAndroidVersion: Optional. The minimum Android version that the application is compatible with.
  • outDir: Optional. The output directory where the application files will be stored.

🟣 AppOptions Interface

  • version: Optional. The version of the application.
  • arch: Optional, DEFAULT: "universal". The architecture of the application. For example, arm64-v8a, armeabi-v7a, etc.
  • dpi: Optional, DEFAULT: "nodpi". The screen density of the application. For example, 240dpi, 320dpi, 480dpi, etc.
  • type: Optional, DEFAULT: "apk". The type of the application. Supported types are "apk" and "bundle".
  • minAndroidVersion: Optional. The minimum Android version that the application is compatible with.
  • outFile: Optional. The name of the output file where the application will be saved.
  • outDir: Optional. The output directory where the application files will be stored.

AppOptions will be merged automatically with APKMDOptions when download function is called.


CLI can be downloaded from releases section.

Usage can be found using the following command

apkmd --help

For downloading multiple apks use apps.json file

apkmd apps.json
  "options": {
    "arch": "arm64-v8a",
    "outDir": "downloads"
  "apps": [
      "org": "google-inc",
      "repo": "youtube-music",
      "outFile": "ytm"
      "org": "google-inc",
      "repo": "youtube",
      "outFile": "yt",
      "version": "18.40.34"

Package Sidebar


npm i apkmirror-downloader

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Unpacked Size

411 kB

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Last publish


  • tanishqmanuja