This Node.js module fetches iTunes games through the 'RSS Feed Generator' and has a similar functionality with scraper.
Fetches a collection of game data from the iTunes App Store.
{ id: 1317213680,
appId: 'com.kakaogames.fracing',
title: '프렌즈레이싱',
url: '',
description: '프렌즈와 씽나게 밟아버려씽! ...',
icon: '',
genres: [ '게임', '레이싱' ],
genreIds: [ '6014', '7013' ],
primaryGenre: 'Games',
primaryGenreId: 6014,
contentRating: '4+',
languages: [ 'KO' ],
size: '1176556544',
requiredOsVersion: '8.0',
released: '2018-10-17T22:15:11Z',
updated: '2018-11-12T19:14:37Z',
releaseNotes: '- 1.1.1 버전 업데이트\n- 게임 안정화 및 기타 버그 수정 ...',
version: '1.1.1',
price: 0,
currency: 'KRW',
free: true,
developerId: 1002306740,
developer: 'Kakao Games Corp.',
developerUrl: '',
developerWebsite: undefined,
score: 3.5,
reviews: 7198,
currentVersionScore: 4.5,
currentVersionReviews: 3138,
[ '',
... ],
[ '',
... ],
appletvScreenshots: [],
... ] }
More improvements soon.