
1.0.1 • Public • Published


titanium libraries

ui.js is used locally inside window.js, tabgroup.js, page.js and plugins.js.

plugins.js contains useful plugins for window and tabgroup

UI Manager

Change log:

  • 2 June, 2017:

    • Add DEBUG flag
  • 7 July, 2016:

    • Deprecate [get] function
    • Add [getCache] function to replace [get] function. Parameter: index: cache index to get
    • Deprecate [remove] function
    • Add [splice] function to replace [remove] function. Parameters: start: start index to remove count: number of object to remove
    • Refactor [loadPrevious] function
    • Refactor [load] function
      • replace function call [remove] with [splice] to remove previous pages.
      • Deprecate [isReset]
      • Add [reset] parameter to replace [isReset] parameter reset == true: reset the flow, remove all objects reset == false: add object to flow reset == null: same as reset == false
      • add [remove] parameter to remove previous pages. Required: [reset] parameter must != true. remove == null: ignore remove == 1: remove previous page remove == n: remove n previous pages
    • Deprecate [loadPreviousOrReset] function

Window Manager

A library help you to manage windows

Basic usage


// init win manager
var oWindowManager = require('managers/window'),
	winManager = new oWindowManager({ DEBUG: true });

// open a window
	url: 'path_to_window',
	reset: true

// open a child window
	url: 'path_to_child_window'

// get data
var infos = winManager.getCache();
/* [
	{ url: 'path_to_window', reset: true },
	{ url: 'path_to_child_window', reset: false }
] */

// back to parent window
winManager.loadPrevious(data);	// new data for parent window

// open a new window, remove other windows
	url: 'path_to_new_window',
	reset: true,
	data: 123 				// data for this window

// get current window info
var info = winManager.getCache(-1);
Ti.API.log(info); // { url: 'path_to_new_window', reset: true, data: 123 }

// exit the app

Advanced usage

// init win manager
var oWindowManager = require('managers/window'),
	winManager = new oWindowManager({ DEBUG: true });	

winManager.on('window:show', windowOpen);
winManager.on('window:hide', windowClose);

function windowOpen(params) {}

function windowClose(params, win) {}	

Change log:

  • 2 June, 2017:

    • Add DEBUG flag
  • 7 July, 2016:

    • Deprecate [remove] function
    • Add [splice] function to replace [remove] function. Parameters: start: start index to remove count: number of object to remove
    • Refactor [load] function
      • Deprecate [isReset]
      • Add [reset] parameter to replace [isReset] parameter reset == true: reset the flow, remove all objects reset == false: add object to flow reset == null: same as reset == false
      • add [remove] parameter to remove previous pages. Required: [reset] parameter must != true. remove == null: ignore remove == 1: remove previous page remove == n: remove n previous pages
    • Deprecate [exports.init] callback
    • Support [exports.load] callback to replace [exports.init] callback

Plugins usage

Default plugins are: Activity Indicator, a hidden textfield for auto hide keyboard

UI element: AI is required.

var oPlugins = require('managers/plugins'),
	plugins  = new oPlugins('window', { ai: true, keyboard: true }),
	oWindowManager = require('managers/window'),
	winManager = new oWindowManager({ DEBUG: true });

NOTE: if window has a webview, and keyboard is true, the webview is freezed. To fix this, set win.hasWebview to "true" and handle hide keyboard inside webview

	<Window class="win" hasWebview="true">
		<WebView id="container" url="/webview/html/index.html"/>
		<Require id="graph" src="elements/graph"/>

TabGroup Manager

Basic usage


	<TabGroup id="tabgroup" class="win tabgroup"/>


// init tabgroup manager
var oTabGroupManager = require('managers/tabgroup'),
	tabGroup = new oTabGroupManager({ DEBUG: true });

    tabgroup: $.tabgroup,
    tabs: [
            title: 'Tab 1',
            icon: '/images/tabs/icon-1.png',
            url: 'path_to_tab_1'
            title: 'Tab 2',
            icon: '/images/tabs/icon-2.png',
            url: 'path_to_tab_2'

// open a child window in Tab 2
	url: 'path_to_window',
	reset: false,
	data: null,
	tabIndex: 1

// get active tab
var activeIndex = tabGroup.getActiveTab(); // 1

// get Tab 2 infos

// get info of current win of Tab 2 
tabGroup.getCache(activeIndex, -1); // same with tabGroup.getCache(activeIndex, 1);

// get info of previous win of Tab 2 
tabGroup.getCache(activeIndex, 0); 

// load previous window of Tab 2

// exit tabgroup

Advanced usage

	tabgroup: $.tabgroup,
	tabs: [
		// ...
	onChange: tabGroupChanged,
	onFocus:  tabGroupFocussed

function tabGroupChanged(status, params, win) {
	if (status == 0) {
		// before window create
	} else if (status == 1) {
		// window created
	} else {
		// window closed

function tabGroupFocussed(currentIndex, previousIndex, tabgroup) {
	// tab focus changed

Plugins usage

Default plugins are: Activity Indicator, a hidden textfield for auto hide keyboard

var plugins = require('managers/plugins');
	tabgroup: $.tabgroup,
	tabs: [
		// ...
	onChange: plugins.tabGroupChanged,
	onFocus:  plugins.tabGroupFocussed

Change log:

  • 2 June, 2017:

    • Add DEBUG flag
  • 7 July, 2016:

    • Refactor [load] function
      • Deprecate [isReset]
      • Add [reset] parameter to replace [isReset] parameter reset == true: reset the flow, remove all objects reset == false: add object to flow reset == null: same as reset == false
      • add [remove] parameter to remove previous pages. Required: [reset] parameter must != true. remove == null: ignore remove == 1: remove previous page remove == n: remove n previous pages
    • Deprecate [exports.init] callback
    • Support [exports.load] callback to replace [exports.init] callback

Page Manager

Change log:

  • 2 June, 2017:

    • Add DEBUG flag
  • 19 July, 2016:

    • Refactor [init] function
      • replace defaultPage parameter with url
      • replace defaultPageData parameter with data
  • 7 July, 2016:

    • Refactor [load] function
      • Deprecate [isReset]
      • Add [reset] parameter to replace [isReset] parameter reset == true: reset the flow, remove all objects reset == false: add object to flow reset == null: same as reset == false
      • add [remove] parameter to remove previous pages. Required: [reset] parameter must != true. remove == null: ignore remove == 1: remove previous page remove == n: remove n previous pages
    • Deprecate [exports.init] callback
    • Support [exports.load] callback to replace [exports.init] callback

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  • imobicloud