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Redux over the wire - server side

## createAqueduxServer(store: Store, options: any = {})

Creates the aquedux server used to initiate a sockJS connection with any incomming Aquedux client. Required

The valid options are:

  • queueLimit: The channel's queue size in Redis (the unit is a Redux action). Default to 0 for unlimited size. If a positive size is specified, the Redis queues are split into chunks to manage a fixed Redis size over time.

  • hydratedActionTypes: The action types you wish aquedux to send over to clients. It must be the same as in the front-side configuration. Default to [].

  • routePrefix: A route prefix before the ending /aquedux. Default to ''.

Example: If set to 'foo', $HOST:$PORT/$routePrefix/aquedux.

  • secret: A new JWT secret is generated at each start. User should override it with a contant one if he needs to persist some JWT token uppon server restart or client reconnection on a different server. Default to an auto-generated token.

  • redisHost: The Redis host used to persist channels informations. Default to process.env.DB_PORT_6379_TCP_ADDR || ''.

  • redisPort: The redis port used to persist channels informations. Default to process.env.DB_PORT_6379_TCP_PORT || '6379'.

## aqueduxMiddleware

Returns the aquedux middleware that receive actions and send them over the websocket connection. It must be added at the end of the middleware chain. Required

## aqueduxReducers

The reducer used by aquedux to manager its dynamic state. It must be composed under the aquedux key with your app reducers. Required

  const reducer = composeReducers({
    aquedux: aqueduxReducer
  const store = createStore(reducer, ...)

## wrapStoreReducer

A store wrapper that handles the rehydratation of the store's state from Redis when a new subscribtion is issued from an aquedux client. Required

  const reducer = wrapStoreReducer(
      aquedux: aqueduxReducer
  const store = createStore(reducer, ...)

## Utilities

### privateAnswer

Used to dispatch an action to a connected client and him only.

### subscribeToPrivateChannel

Used for the api to subscribe itself to a channel. This can be used to persist a state that you don't want your users to see.




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