Accessible Progres bar / Range slider
What is this
As I haven't found one, I've tried to create simple to use, fully accessible slider component. Build is less than 2Kb.
It is written in TypeScript and I will be releasing React component soon.
I will appreciate any feedback and pull requests.
- Fully accessible (based on this example)
- Works on touch enabled devices (you can tap anywhere and drag)
- IE10+
- Support for both integers and float values (using
) - Two value tooltips, one shown all the time, and one on hover
- Callback system
- Additional "buffer bar" that is controlled by the user
- Easy to style
- API to update options (ATM only enable/disable is available)
- Better demo page
- Themes (YouTube-like, Vimeo-like...)
- React component
- Tests
- Changelog
You'll need to import ProgressBar
class and instantiate by passing two params.
The first one is selectorOrElement
- CSS selector string or HTML element. This element will be used as a slider's wrapper, and library will create all needed elements inside it.
Two other one is the options
object, and check below for more documenation on available options.
You'll have to import CSS styling as well.
// Import the class;// and the CSS; const selector = '.progress-bar';const options = {}; selector options;
// Slider accessible label// Default: 'Seek slider'ariaLabel?: string; // If slider is labeled by another element,// this should be the id of that element// (Similar to how the "for" attribute is used to link a LABEL to an INPUT.)ariaLabeledBy?: string; // How much value will change on arrow keys// Default: 1arrowMoveStep?: number; // Base CSS class name// Default: 'AriaProgressBar'//// Note that all elements will use this one as a prefix//// Example:// 'AriaProgressBar-track'// 'AriaProgressBar-handle' ...className?: string; // When true disables the slider// Default: falsedisabled?: boolean; // When true, slider will use floating numbers instead of integers// Default: falsefloat?: boolean; // Function that will be used to populate both tooltips (hover and main one)// Params are current value and options// Default: (value) => value.toString()getTooltipText?value: number options?: IProgressBarOptions: string; // Function that will be used to populate "aria-valuetext" attribute// Params are current value and options// Default: (value, options) => `${ value } ranging from ${ options.min } to ${ options.max }`getValueText?value: number options?: IProgressBarOptions: string; // Initial value// Default: options.min (0)initialValue?: number; // Maximum value// Default: 100max?: number; // Minimum value// Default: 0min?: number; // Callback function that will be called every time// slider's value changesonChange?value: number options?: IProgressBarOptions: any; // Callback function that will be called every time// user finishes dragging the handleonDragEnd?value: number options?: IProgressBarOptions: any; // Callback function that will be called every time// user moves the handleonDragMove?value: number options?: IProgressBarOptions: any; // Callback function that will be called every time// user starts dragging the handleonDragStart?value: number options?: IProgressBarOptions: any; // How much value will change on page up and page down keys// Default: 5pageMoveStep?: number; // If false, tooltips and the hover bar won't snap at values dividable by options.step// Default: truesnap?: boolean; // The stepping interval// Default: 1step?: number;
Please note that you can't hide elements through options (nor API). Just use CSS to hide them. I think it is a little bit cleaner than having a lot of conditions in the code.
Elements and CSS classes
Default CSS class names are:
// Wrapper element .AriaProgressBar .AriaProgressBar--hover .AriaProgressBar--dragging .AriaProgressBar--disabled // Main element, slider's track .AriaProgressBar-track // Progress bar .AriaProgressBar-progress // Hover bar, "fake" progress bar that shows on hover // to indicate where will it jump on click .AriaProgressBar-hover // Same as hover bar, but controlled by you // My intention was to use it as a buffer bar for media players // (similar what YouTube does) .AriaProgressBar-buffer // Handle element .AriaProgressBar-handle // Tooltip that is always visible and displays slider's value .AriaProgressBar-mainTooltip // Tooltip that shows on hover and displays value // slider will be changed to on click .AriaProgressBar-hoverTooltip
Please note that if you change options.className
it will use it instead of AriaProgressBar
Check to create your own theme. (Everything above // Default theme
is mandatory for slider to work.)
This is component's public API.
// Removes HTML element and listener as well as// aria attributes and CSS classes from the wrapper: void; // Gets slider's current value: number; // Sets value: void; // Sets value for the buffer bar: void; // Disables the slider: void; // Enables the slider: void;
I'm using Parcel for development and docs, while microbundle is used for npm builds.
For local development use:
npm start
It will start development server on http://localhost:1234/