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2.4.0 • Public • Published


TypeScript 3.7 assertion helper library

A minimal library exposing basic TypeScript 3.7 assertion helpers with the goal of providing the out of the box assertions that most people need and have to rewrite for every project.


Requirement Version Note
TypeScript >=3.7.0 *
ECMA-262 **
  • * This library will work both with vanilla JavaScript as well as lower versions of TypeScript. Assertions will throw the expected Errors in all environments, however the the TS compiler will only know the narrowed type if an assertion passes in version >=3.7.0.
  • ** This library offers helpers around BigInt and Symbol. These functions may not work on some browsers which do not yet support those APIs.


yarn add assertate


npm install assertate


The Basics

The library provides the of the box assertions and control flow type-predicates functions that you will need to validate basic data and primitive types.

import {
} from "assertate";

// Control-flow with type-predicates
// This feature has been in TypeScript for a while and is the foundation for
// being able to write type assertions.
// Using the `is...` functions, we can do type narrowing of using control-flow
// operators and functions such as `if` and `.filter`
const stringA: unknown = "a";
const stringB: unknown = "b";
const numberA: unknown = 123;

if (isNumber(numberA)) {
  // compiler now knows that in this if block, `numberA` is a number
  const numberAAsFixedPointZero = numberA.toFixed(0);

const stringsAsUpper = [stringA, stringB, numberA]
  .map(str => str.toUpperCase()); // compiler knows that it is mapping over strings

// try/catch based assertions with Errors
// Use the `assertIs...` and `assert` functions for Error/exception based
// assertions.
// These assertions use the `is...` type-predicates under the hood and are
// useful for allowing try/catch based control flow.
try {
  const someUndefinedVar: unknown = undefined;
  assertIsNumber(someUndefinedVar); // will throw an Error
} catch (err) {
  console.error(err); // An assertion Error will be logged

const someNumber: unknown = 123.456;
assertIsNumber(someNumber); // will not throw
// compiler now knows `someNumber` is a number and has all instance methods that a number has
const asFixedPointZero = someNumber.toFixed(0);

// General assertion
// use the `assert` function if you need to write or compose more custom
// assertions
const someNumberOrString: unknown = "123";

// you can compose the `is` assertions using `assert`
assert(isNumber(someNumberOrString) || isString(someNumberOrString));
// compiler now knows someNumberOrString is of type `number | string`

// you can write assertions using standard type-guards using `assert` as well
assert(typeof someNumberOrString === "string");
// compiler now knows that someNumberOrString is a string
const someNumberOrStringChars = someNumberOrString.split(",");

// Set your own assertion messages
// A default assertion message is provided; will most likely be good enough for
// most cases
const defaultAssertionMessage = getAssertionMessage();
  (someValue, expectedType) =>
    `Im your message! Expected a ${expectedType}, got a ${getType(someValue)}`
try {
  const aNumber: unknown = 123;
} catch (err) {
  console.log(err); // An error with message 'Im your message! Expected a string, got a number' will be logged

Complex Example -- Assertions on your domain data

When interacting with data over the wire, its important that we validate the data we receive is valid to what our domain logic expects. With assertions, we can safely validate the data we receive both matches the expected types, but also add custom domain logic to validate that the data has the a valid value.

import { isObject, isString, isNumber, assert } from "assertate";

// In this example we our going to write a Wizard validator.
// A Wizard is just a human that can do magic!
type Human = {
  name: string;
  age: number;

type Magical = {
  canDoMagic: true;

type Wizard = Human & Magical;

// Now lets write some type-predicates to validate our domain logic
 * Determines if the `value` is a valid Human
 * - Has some non-empty string name
 * - Age is greater than 0
function isHuman(value: unknown): value is Human {
  // we can now validate the data in the object matches our expected types
  if (isObject(value) && isString(value?.name) && isNumber(value?.age)) {
    const { name, age } = value; // compiler knows `name` is a string and `age` is a number
    // we can do our own custom validations against the type-checked data as well
    // humans must be older than 0 and have a non-empty string name
    if (age > 0 && name.length > 0) {
      return true;
  return false;

 * Determines if the `value` has a magical property
function isMagical(value: unknown): value is Magical {
  return isObject(value) && value?.magical === true;

 * Determines if the `value` is a Wizard
 * - is a human
 * - is magical
function isWizard(value: unknown): value is Wizard {
  return isHuman(value) && isMagical(value);

// Lets write some type assertions that use the type-predicates we wrote
 * Asserts that `value` is a Human object
function assertIsHuman(value: unknown): asserts value is Human {

 * Asserts that `value` is a Magical object
function assertIsMagical(value: unknown): asserts value is Magical {

 * Asserts that `value` is a Wizard
function assertIsWizard(value: unknown): asserts value is Wizard {

// Now imagine the following two humans are fetched from over the wire and that
// we know absolutely nothing about the data received.
// For the sake of the example, we know that they both have the 3 valid
// properties needed to be type-checked; but when receiving them from over
// a REST endpoint or some random JSON file, we would know absolutely nothing.
// The data retrieved could be a list, an object, a number, a string, anything.
// With the `assertIs...` functions we wrote, we can validate that:
//  - the data received is in fact an object
//  - the object has the expected keys
//  - the values of the keys conform to our expected domain logic for Human,
//    Magical, and Wizard
// Dr. Strange? He's magic!
const stephenStrange: unknown = {
  name: "Stephen Strange",
  age: 90, // born 1930
  canDoMagic: true

// Iron Man? sadly not
const tonyStark: unknown = {
  name: "Tony Stark",
  age: 50, // born 1970
  canDoMagic: false

assertIsHuman(stephenStrange); // no Error thrown
assertIsHuman(tonyStark); // no Error thrown
// compiler now knows that both people are humans
for (const person of [stephenStrange, tonyStark]) {
  try {
    assertIsMagical(person); // no Error thrown for stephenStrange, Error thrown for tonyStark
    assertIsWizard(person); // no Error thrown for stephenStrange, code won't be reached for tonyStark
  } catch (err) {
    console.error(`${} isn't a wizard :(`); // we can access `` because the compiler knows the person is a human


Swing by the docs to get a full look at the available functions.

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  • evanlouie