Manage front-end assets
AssetX manages front-end assets and takes care about dev/production environments
Work in progress, please take care.
$ npm install -g assetx
AssetX needs a yaml configuration file. Default is ./assetx.yml.
This is the configuration reference :
# assetx.yml # (required) where AssetX will find view templatesviews: - views/**/*.twig # (required) where AssetX will find dev/prod assetsdevFolder: web/.tmp_assetsprodFolder: web/assets # (required) web path to dev/prod assetsdevBaseUrl: /.tmp_assetsprodBaseUrl: /assets # (optional, default to false) if true, prod assets file names will have a hash based on the dev assets content# this can be overridden by the --force-cache-busting and --disable-cache-busting optionscacheBusting: true # (optional) implement this to customize some of the tags AssetX will generate (./src/ twig: js: '<script type="text/javascript" src="%src%"></script>' # (optional) implement this to override the gulp tasks AssetX will pipe (./src/ js: gulp-uglify: # this key will be used to require the gulp module # an array of arguments that will be applied on the module - { mangle: false } # (required) list of assets AssetX will take into accountassets: css/style.css: # asset name must be suffixed by the mime-type extension, like .css or .js (path is relative to prodFolder) files: # list of dev assets to concatenate (path relative to devFolder) - css/**/*.css js/app.js: files: - js/app1.js - js/app2.js # global options (except 'views') can be override on each asset print.css: files: - css/print/**/*.css prodFolder: cdn_assets/css prodBaseUrl: '' tags: twig: '<link rel="stylesheet" href="%src%" media="print">' tasks: gulp-minify-css: - { keepSpecialComments: 0 }
In view templates, insert AssetX tags for each asset defined in the assetx.yml
{% if app.environment == 'prod' %} {#assetx prod:css/style.css#}{#endassetx#} {#assetx prod:print.css#}{#endassetx#}{% else %} {#assetx dev:css/style.css#}{#endassetx#} {#assetx dev:print.css#}{#endassetx#}{% endif %}
Run AssetX
~/my-project $ assetx
Some options and other commands are available, just run assetx --help for more information
Inspired by gassetic