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Astro i18n Route Gen

This is an Astro integration that automatically generates localized pages routes for astro i18n.

Astro 4 supports i18n routes. For that, in the documentation it's mentioned that you need to create individual /[locale]/ folders in your pages. In big projects, maintaining multiple duplicated pages can be tedious. This project takes care of creating those /[locale]/ folders by duplicating the pages routes for each existing locale.

[!IMPORTANT] This integration does not manage content translations, only clones the pages routes. Use packages like paraglide for managing translations.


The localized routes are automatically generated when executing an astro command like astro dev or astro build. To disable this set enabled to false in the integration settings.

It is recommended to add the localized paths to the .gitignore file so you don't have unnecessary duplicated code on your repository.


[!WARNING] Do not use relative import like import Component from "../components/Component.astro". Use tsconfig compilerOptions paths to define static paths (docs).

[!NOTE] If you want to manually edit localized pages then it is better to not use this integration.


This integration should work with Astro 4.0.0, but version 5.0.0 or higher is recommended. It is also required to configure the i18n settings in the astro configuration file.


Install the integration automatically using the Astro CLI:

pnpm astro add astro-i18n-route-gen
npx astro add astro-i18n-route-gen
yarn astro add astro-i18n-route-gen

Or install it manually:

  1. Install the required dependencies
pnpm add astro-i18n-route-gen
npm install astro-i18n-route-gen
yarn add astro-i18n-rout-gen
  1. Add the integration to your astro config
+import astroI18nRouteGen from "astro-i18n-route-gen";

export default defineConfig({
  integrations: [
+    astroI18nRouteGen(),


The configuration contains this options, all of them being optional:

  • enabled: boolean. Determines if enable or disable route generation. Defaults to true.
  • pagesPath: string. The path to the astro pages. Defaults to "./src/pages".
  • routes: object. The object which determines the file structure and the route translations. This object follows this structure:
    "file-name": {
        "[locale]": "translation" // optional | for each locale in the project
    "folder-name": {
        "[locale]": "translation", // optional | for each locale in the project
        children: { // optional | only if directory
            "file-name": {
                "[locale]": "translation" // optional | for each locale in the project
            "folder-name": {
                "[locale]": "translation", // optional | for each locale in the project
                children: { // optional | only if directory

For example:

    "index.astro": {},
    "about-us.astro": {
        es: "sobre-nosotros.astro"
    "news": {
        es: "noticias",
        children: {
            "news1.astro": {
                es: "noticia1.astro"
            "news2.astro": {
                es: "noticia2.astro"

The object start with the file and folder names. This objects have an optional key for each locale in the project besides the default locale. If a locale is not included the existing file name will be used for the localized file name. In the case of a folder, there is an optional children key. The children has the contents of the folder inside repeating the same structure.

If a file or folder is not included in the routes it will not be localized. This is useful in the case of the 404.astro file.

This lets us with this example configuration:

export default defineConfig({
    i18n: {
        locales: ["es", "en"],
        defaultLocale: "en",
        routing: {
            prefixDefaultLocale: false,
    integrations: [
            enabled: true, // optional, default to true
            pagesPath: "./src/pages", // optional, defaults to "./src/pages"
            routes: {
                "index.astro": {},
                "about-us.astro": {
                    es: "sobre-nosotros.astro",
                news: {
                    es: "noticias",
                    children: {
                        "news1.astro": {
                            es: "noticia1.astro",
                        "news2.astro": {
                            es: "noticia2.astro",


This package is structured as a monorepo:

  • playground contains code for testing the package
  • package contains the actual package

Install dependencies using pnpm:

pnpm i --frozen-lockfile

Start the playground and package watcher:

pnpm dev

You can now edit files in package. Please note that making changes to those files may require restarting the playground dev server.


MIT Licensed. Made by aitorcas23.


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  • aitorcas23